Girl ?

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Sumedh was in his office working in laptop . Suddenly his phone rang , he smiled thinking that it might be of Mallika as she calls him this time to ask what to make for dinner .
He looked towards his phone but it was of unknown number.
He picked it up but before he could even speak something the other person spoke .

?? : Come fast at xxx place . Mallika , Monica and Avneet are kidnapped by Rahul . Come fast .

By saying this that person cut the phone . Sumedh started thinking if he should trust that person . So, he called one of the bodyguard who was at home .

On the call :

Sumedh : Hello?

Bodyguard : Yes boss .

Sumedh : Is everyone at home ?

Bodyguard: Uhh No sir .

Sumedh : WHAT ?? Where are they ?

Bodyguard : Actually sir ma'am were gone for shopping and ..

Sumedh : Why didn't you told me ?

Bodyguard : Because ma'am told us not to inform you because she was going to sur.....

Sumedh : SHUT UP !!! Was kartik also with them ?

Bodyguard : No sir !!

Sumedh : Didn't anyone of you went with them ?

Bodyguard : Sir , some of the men were gone with them ?

Sumedh : Who ?? Send me the location right now . And send some of the men to the meeting room . RIGHT NOW !!! FAST .

Then he cutted the phone and called Basant and Siddharth toghether . When they picked up the phone he said .

Sumedh : In the meeting room NOW !!!

Then he cutted the phone . Basant and Siddharth understood that it is something big . So they went there as fast as they can .

In the meeting room .

Siddharth : What happened Sumedh ? Why did you called us this fast ? Is everything okay ?

Basant : Tell fast .

Sumedh : Mallika , Monica and Avneet ....... They are kidnapped by Rahul .

Basant : What ? How ??

Sumedh : Don't know ! They went for shopping and got kidnapped . And some girl called me and told me this .

Siddharth : Girl ??

Sumedh : Yes it was a girl who told me that they got kidnapped .

Basant : For God's sake they are NOT A KID !!! How did they got kidnapped ?

Sumedh : Calm down bhai !! We need to plan .

Basant : No we should just get there and beat that Rahul .

Sumedh : Bhai please try to understand the situation . We need to plan something . We don't even know what that Rahul is upto .

Siddharth : Did you investigated ?

Sumedh : No . I have the location where they were kidnapped and first we should go there .

Siddharth : Yeah and wait I'll call my men too .

Sumedh : Hmm...

Sumedh *in mind* : Don't worry Miku . I'll be there soon . Just keep patience . And that Rahul will know what great sin he had done and I promise you that I will teach him a good lesson .

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