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Sumedh - Why ? Why ? Why ? It's cheating. Why can't I ?

Mallika - First of all stop talking like a kid and about your going as you can understand by its name it's Mahila Sangeet . It's for ladies . Are you are woman ?

Sumedh - Then what about Siddharth ?

Mallika - It's his wedding so he can go . Is Basant bhai coming ? No na ?? Then ?!!

Sumedh - Still I should be there .

Monica - Sumedh ! What is this ? Now go and help your brother . Go fast he is waiting for you .

Sumedh - Okay 🙄

Then sumedh left .

Mallika - Thank you bhabhi .

Monica - It's okay now get ready the function will be starting soon .

Mallika - Okay .

Time skips .

Sumedh - Bhai ?? Did you called me ?

Basant - No , but if you are here then let me tell you work .

Sumedh - What bhai ? You know I wanted to go in the function.

Basant - But it's for ladies only .

Sumedh - Siddharth?

Basant - It's his wedding .

Sumedh - Then what about mine ?

Basant - What ?

Sumedh - Why didn't I had this function in my wedding .

Basant - Who told you to marry quietly ? Don't worry!! Once everything will be fine between you two then we will set your marriage again . Okay ?

Sumedh - Really ? Super duper okay...

Basant - Now wanna help me or ???.

Sumedh - Uhh ya !!!

The function ended . Then all of them starts their chit chat . You know how ladies are .

Mallika - Umm... Avneet you will stay here na ?

Avneet - Maybe ?

Siddharth - I think we should stay here as all are here . We will get bored at my house .

Mallika - Right . Then I think you don't need to be sad at last of wedding .

She teased Avneet .

Avneet - Huh ??

Monica - Let's have dinner then comeon .

All of them went for dinner and from there they went to their respective rooms .

Sumedh - Miku ?

Mallika - Hmm ??

Sumedh - I will be coming at tomorrow’s function na ?

Mallika - Your wish . If you wanna attend your sister’s haldi then come . But if you don't then let me tell you , you are not that important .

Sumedh - Ohh !!! So bride's brother is not at all important in her wedding ?

Mallika - If we need then we have Basant bhai .

Sumedh - I will come tomorrow . And that's it . Now sleep .

Mallika - I was sleeping only you asked me .

Sumedh - No more arguments . Good night .

Mallika - Idiot

Sumedh - Did you said something ?

Mallika - GOOD NIGHT !!!!

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