Laya B.'s Other Stories

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Til Time Stands Still

Malin Johnson has one goal

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Malin Johnson has one goal.

Try not to flunk out of college her first year. That proved to be a challenge when her father, a well-respected academic, faces an untimely death. With the way things are going, Malin learns to expect the unexpected.

However, she didn't ever think a man from 2060, Doron Horne, would call on her for help in battling a society that's over reliant on time travel. So dependent that soon time travel will destabilize and put mankind at risk.

Time is not on Malin's side, but time won't be the only thing she battles as pressure and emotions run high.


"Loving her was foolish, deceiving and pitiful

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"Loving her was foolish, deceiving and pitiful. Loving her was so easy that the action required no thought."


Aria Beale did something stupid.

Her stupidity results in her being given an ultimatum; be expelled the following school year or do community service over the summer. She gives into doing community service, choosing to assist the summer camps at the local community college.

Charles "Charlie" Dozier wasn't meant to cross paths with the teen. The 19 year old was attending the University of Maryland on a music scholarship. He also counsels the four-week-long camp, making their meeting and friendship inevitable.

Following a night that neither of them saw coming, their way of thinking and their definition of friendship are challenged. Suddenly, all thought goes out the window, making room for a potential relationship to be gained.

As the pros and cons of a relationship begin to become one big blur, one could wonder if being this careless is a good thing. One could wonder if being this thoughtless could hurt someone.

Or even worse, the involved people.

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