Ch. 26- Friend$#!t

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Deja's POV

"How could you do such a thing, Tiara?" I ask, tears welling in my eyes.

"Well, I have a phone that has the capability to film so-"

"You know what I'm talking about Tiara!"

"Well, you've been doing too much lately. I was hoping that after seeing yourself do these things, you'd finally care about your impression on everyone."

I walk closer to her. "We always talk about me, but we never talk about you."

"That's because there's nothing wrong with me, Deja."

"That's where you're wrong." I say, going upstairs to grab my phone and my purse.

Once I come down, Tiara asks, "Where are you going?"



"Listen, I hope you get your issues worked out." I say, standing right in front of the front door.

"Issues, what issues?"

"You know what I'm talking about. I hope your new friend won't make you look as bad as you feel." I leave out the door without saying goodbye or anything.

I walk down the driveway to get to the car. I hop into my Toyota, sit and take a deep breath before starting it up. I'm shaken up to say the least, but I know that I'm in the right shape to drive. I'm very good at repressing my feelings until the appropriate time to release them.

Five minutes later, I arrive at my house. I park in the garage and walk in to see my mom sitting at the kitchen table, drinking some tea.

"Well, someone's home early." She says, knocking her mug back.

I look at the time on the stove. It's 10 PM so, not early.

"So, did you have fun?" She asks.

"Sure." I walk up the stairs to avoid more questions.

Once I'm in my room, I do some math homework and create an outline for my essay that's due next week. I usually don't do homework the day that it's assigned but I just need something to distract me from crying.

Everything is going wrong in my life. I have no boyfriend, I have no best friend and my mom hates me. Well, lately my mom's been acting better and Cameron could be my best friend, but life still sucks. I still have to deal with the situation that I've been put in due to David's perversion.

At first, I thought things were getting better in my life. My dad said he was moving closer to us, Cameron came back from his suspension and Tiara's witty remarks cheered me up after I broke up with David.

Now, I have nothing.

Wait, isn't my dad supposed to be coming over tomorrow? How could I forget that?

I hurry out of my room and rush downstairs to ask my mom for clarity.

"Is dad coming tomorrow?" I ask, talking so fast that my words are a cluster.

She looks up from her magazine and slowly nods.

I excitedly run up the stairs to the point of almost tripping on the wooden steps.

Once I get upstairs, I put my completed outline and math worksheets in my book bag. It's almost 8:30 when I hear my phone go off.

It's probably Tiara trying to convince me to come back to her place to hear her apology or something.

Cam😊: Hey.

I stand corrected. The smile on my face from thinking about my dad intensifies.

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