Ch. 15 - A Visitor

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^More Cameron Visuals^

Deja's POV


I pull up to my house and see two cars. Since I'm currently driving the ol' Toyota, I wonder what the other car is. I try not to get my hopes up like I did the other day. I cautiously pull into the driveway. As I get closer to the mystery car, I see that it has Maryland tags.

Suddenly, everything starts to add up. I remember my dad's car vividly and the mystery car looks nothing like that. Maybe he got a new car or something. Maybe the car doesn't even belong to my dad.

I walk into the house and am greeted by my dad. He hugs me and I can already feel the tears want to spill out of my eyes. I haven't seen my dad in a year. To be exact, I haven't seen him since my 17th birthday last September.

"I'm guessing you like your surprise then?" My mom asks.

"Obviously," I say while escaping the grip of my dad.

I wipe my tears because no one wants to look like an absolute mess. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too. I've just been busy with work and everything," he explains.

"But, Alexandria is literally twenty-five minutes away from you. To me, that's not a long distance," I say.

"Deja, stop it. Your dad is a busy person," My mom cuts in.

"He can't be too busy to not see his daughter every once in a while," I say.

"I do see you every once in a while," my dad says defensively.

"Dad, I haven't seen you in almost a year. That's not every once in a while. Every once in a while is at least once every two months," I say.

"Well, I want to come by more often which is the reason why I'm moving," my dad says.

"What?" I say, almost shouting.

"That's right, I'm moving to Alexandria. I'll be 10 minutes away instead of 25."

"That's amazing," I say in complete shock.

I literally just dragged this man's whole life and then he says this. I seriously need to learn when to stop talking.

"We should do something in celebration," I suggest.

"Like what?" My dad asks.

"Maybe we could go get ice cream or something."

"Nice try, Deja. You already got ice cream today," my mom says.

Dang, it. At least I tried.


I'm laying on the bed, drinking my Slurpee and watching the movie Nerve. I had to settle on getting a Slurpee instead of ice cream.

I'm about midway through the movie when I hear my phone make a noise. I already know it's Tiara. I mean, who else could it be?

Cameron😑: How'd your date go?

I forgot that I gave my number to him. Why hasn't Tiara texted me yet?

Me: Like you care.

Cameron😑: You're right, I don't care.

Me: Then why are you texting me?

Cameron😑: I assume that the date didn't go as well as you thought.

Me: You're right. It was better than my expectations. Anyway, you still didn't answer my question.

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