Ch. 39- Are You Doing Anything?

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^I changed who plays David because I'm indecisive af^

Deja's POV

"Why would you say something like that?" I ask in complete disbelief.

"Because it's true."

"No, it's not. I did not let David get in my pants. Well, he took off my pants, but it wasn't consented."

Cameron's face goes pale. "I thought he didn't go that far."

"It shouldn't matter. If someone says that they gone through what I've been through, you should treat sexual things sensitively."

"I'm sorry."

"Sure, Cameron." I say with my arms folded. "How long were you thinking those things?"

"Thinking what things?"

"That I was easy and that it was easy to get in my pants."

"I wasn't thinking that. I swear on my sister."

"Ok, fine. Let's change the subject." I suggest.

"To what?"

"To homecoming. It's coming up in like 2 weeks."

"I'm aware of that. There's flyers and posters everywhere." He says. "I'm not going."

"I'll probably not go. If someone asks me that I like, then I'll go with them, if not, I'll just chill at home."

I know that I probably shouldn't be thinking this, but I want to go to homecoming with Cameron.


The food is placed in front of us. Both of us have been on our phones for at least a good 10 minutes. There's just an awkward silence between us. It's almost as if we're thinking two different things that aren't ready to come out verbally yet.

I get right into my food because I'm hungry and I regularly use food as a vice to get through tough situations. If it wasn't for my fast metabolism, I'd be on My 600-lb Life.

"You know, about 15 minutes ago, you were this close to having soaking wet clothes." I say while cutting my pancakes.

"Really?" Cameron asks while chuckling.

"Yes, really." I say, resuming my cutting.

"Then, you'd be the one paying for this."

"I could deal with that because then that bitch won't get a tip."

"Why are you so salty, Deja?"

I stare at him for a couple of seconds before laughing.

"That is something I think I'd never hear come out of your mouth."

"Well, it did. You may not like the waitress, but she's still trying to make money. I'd at least give her 10%."

"Cameron, you're too nice."

"Now, that is something I think would never come out of your mouth."


"You two enjoy the rest of your weekend." The waitress says, smiling at Cameron once again.

I roll my eyes. That has been what seems to be the longest breakfast I think I've ever had. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait to get out of IHOP.

We get up from our booth and walk towards the door. Once we get in the car, Cameron starts chuckling.

"What are you laughing about?"

"She wrote her number on here." He says while looking down at the receipt.

He hands it to me. I glance at it before asking, "can I rip it up?"

He nods so, I go ahead and do that. He laughs the whole time I do this, calling me "petty" and "hilarious." Even after I've ripped up the receipt, he continues to laugh.

"It's not that funny." I say.

"I'm not laughing at the receipt, I'm laughing because you have cream cheese on the corner of your lip."

I hurry up and wipe my mouth with my hand.

"How long has that been there?" I ask, looking at the passenger mirror.

"Only 10 minutes."

10 minutes? That's a long time to be looking at my mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was waiting for you to figure it out, but I couldn't wait any longer. My OCD wouldn't allow me."

"You're such an ass, Cameron." I say while chuckling.

"I'm supposed to because-"

"Because you're Cameron fucking Mills." I finish his sentence.

He stares at me with surprise and pride. "I'm such a bad influence on you."

"I was already bad before you, remember?"

"You make a nice point."

He starts up the car while I'm busy already picking the radio station. I stop turning the dial once I hear Passionfruit come on.

I start singing the the lyrics, expecting for Cameron to be annoyed, but he's the exact opposite. About midway through the song, Cameron joins in and is surprisingly good.

"Woah, Cameron Mills can sing?"

"I know right, who would've known?"

We both start laughing before a silence passes. Cameron drives while the songs continue to change. When we near his apartment garage, he says, "I'm really sorry about what I said at the restaurant."

"It's fine, Cameron. You were feeling a type of way when you said it."

"No, it's not fine. I didn't mean it when I said that you were easy or that you deserved what was coming to you."

I look at him, puzzled. "You never said that I deserved what was coming to me."

Cameron looks like he'd been caught up in a lie.

"Right." Cameron says.

I'm utterly confused but I'll drop it like I usually do. When I'm confused, I usually laugh it off, but this isn't laugh-worthy.

Cameron parks in his parking space. I say goodbye and we both get out of the car. I start to walk over to where my car is until I feel arms wrap around me. I'm surprised a little, but I don't act startled or shaken up.

"Did you really think that I'd let you leave without getting a hug first?" he asks before letting go of me.

He looks at me in a way that I haven't seen from him before. Because of my awkwardness and low key confusion, I say, "bye, Cameron."

He waves goodbye and I continue to walk over to my car. Just as I'm about to hop in my car, Cameron stops me once again.

"Damn, Cameron, you really don't want a girl to go home, do you?"

"I forgot to ask you something."

"Ask away."

"Are you doing anything next Saturday?"

I want to jump up and down in excitement, but I need to keep my feelings low key.

"Probably not." I reply nonchalantly.

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