Ch. 48- Thanks

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Cameron's POV

It's obvious that Deja is a little hurt by what I said. Her constant look out of the car window without turning around is evident of that. She might be crying, which makes me feel like absolute shit.

I could say something, but I think my words would just make everything worse. After some time passes, I notice that the sniffling stops. Everything's quiet for a second before I hear snores. I laugh to myself, being careful not to wake her up. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps.

I really did mess up, but I'm not doing it to hurt her. In the end, she'll be thankful that I didn't pursue a relationship with her.

(Next Day)

A/N: Dang, that POV was shorter than my patience.

Deja's POV

I wake up in my room. The last thing I remember is being in Cameron's car last night. Actually, I remember slightly opening my eyes while Cameron was carrying me into the house.

I must've left the door unlocked before I left to go to the concert. How he opened the door without dropping me is beyond my comprehension. Oh well.

I should probably call or text him to let him know that I'm thankful that he didn't drop me. I'll text him since my morning voice is absolute crap.

Me: Thx for not dropping me.

CBDS😍: You're pretty light anyway.

Me: Thx.

I lock my phone and toss it back on the bed. Since I'm so popular, you know that my phone doesn't stay locked for long.

Math: Hi.

Oh Lord, why is he texting me?

Me: Hello?

Math: I know that I don't talk to you outside of school anymore, but I wanted to change that.

I roll my eyes before typing.

Me: Ok, well I have something to do so, we can't talk right now.

I only typed that to save me the pain of having memories. To be honest, I can maintain being friends with David, but I don't really want to be associated with him outside of school if that makes sense.

So, I guess I'm not going to Homecoming next week. I have a dress hanging up in my closet, but I guess I'll just have to leave it in there. I still don't get what Cameron said to me. He admitted that he liked me, but then he said that we couldn't be together because he didn't want to "ruin" me. My life is already pretty bad, so I don't know what he's talking about.

He can't make it any worse than what it already is. Now that I think about it, if Cameron wasn't fighting in front of me back in September, I wouldn't be in most of this mess. Of course my parents' situations were bound to come out at some point, but I'm talking about everything else.

David wanted to start a relationship with me because he thought it was attractive to have a girl that fought or whatever. I wouldn't be known as a fighter or anything. I'd still be skipping school and I'd still have Tiara.

So, I guess that Cameron has impacted my life negatively in more than a few ways.

I wish that I had never caught feelings for Cameron. That'd save me the heartbreak that I'm currently trying to come to terms with. I've already lost everyone practically. All I have is Cameron so, I'll have to mask my hurt when I see him.

That's gonna be hard. Harder than when I avoided him for a few days. Let's hope that I don't go absolutely insane. I sprung out of bed and went to the bathroom. I did the usual things that authors are too lazy to write out.


I put my BWW leftovers in the microwave and waited. This my dinner since my mom still hasn't arrived home from wherever her boyfriend lives. Suddenly, I hear the garage door open.

"I'm home." My mom says as she walks in.


My mom rolls her eyes before putting her hand on her hips and saying, "stop talking and help me with my bags."

My mom usually doesn't respond to my remarks in that way. The eye rolling is trademark, but she usually isn't smart like that.

"I guess that the weekend didn't go as well as planned." I say while walking out to the garage.

My mom doesn't say anything and takes one of the bags inside. I get another bag from the trunk and take it inside. She orders me to leave it in her room. She sits down on the bed and pats the spot next to her. I sit next to her.

"I'm no longer in a relationship." She says.

I don't know how to respond because I never met her boyfriend. I don't have a connection to him.

"Oh, how ya holding up?" I ask, trying to comfort.

"I'm pretty good. He said that I needed to think about things."

"What things?"

"He said that he could tell that I was starting to feel for your dad again. I don't know what he's talking about."

"Well, did you bring up dad a lot in conversations?"

"Yes, I talked about him, but that was just venting. I feel like your dad is about to make a big mistake if he marries this girl. Emphasis on the girl part."

"Yeah, I don't like her."

"Wait, you went to go meet her? When did you go over to see your dad?"

I wait, I forgot I wasn't supposed to talk about my dad's new house.

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Part of this was written while at a football game. My high school's team is low-key trash. Also, sorry this was short. I got writer's block.
Edit: Oh shit, they won the game

Unedited Chapter

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