Ch. 38- Little Miss B!tch

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^What Ava looks like^

Deja's POV

I spring out of my bed, prepared to get my book bag back. Maybe, if I pull all the right tricks, I can be able to recreate this dream or at least some parts of it. I highly doubt it, but it's worth a try.

I do my daily hygiene and run to my closet. I look for my black crop top, bomber jacket, and leggings to match.

"Perfect." I say once I've found all of the clothing items.

It's 10 am and I'm a little hungry, but I ignore it. I put on my Adidas Superstars and leave my bedroom. Before going downstairs, I peek into my mom's room to make sure that she's asleep.

On the weekends, she usually wakes up at 12 pm while I'm up at 9 or 10. I just have to check to assure that she won't ask any questions. She can't ask questions if she's asleep.

After seeing that she's in slumber, I walk downstairs. I take the Toyota keys out of my mom's purse that's in the kitchen. I would take the Audi keys, but I'm already in hot water as I didn't tell my mom why I left the house yesterday. I don't need it to get worse.

I hop in the car when I remember that I have to text Cameron to let him know that I'm coming.

Me: Otw to get what's mine.

CBDS😍: Just say you're coming over to get your bag like a normal person.

I love being extra.


I knock on his door. Shortly, he opens up and I'm greeted with Cameron in his signature black hoodie, but he's wearing Adidas sweatpants. Okay, one thing is the same, this can work out if I play my cards right.

"There's your book bag." he says while pointing.

I grab it and look like I'm about to leave. I walk slowly towards the door and ask, "You like my outfit?"

He looks up from his phone for two seconds and says, "Sure, it's nice."

At least I tried to replicate my dream. Obviously, it wasn't meant to happen. Just as I'm about to leave out the door, my stomach grumbles loudly. I put my hands on my stomach to try to muffle the grumbles.

"Hungry?" Cameron asks without looking up from his phone.

"A little." I say, taking my hands off my stomach. "I'm probably just gonna get a McMuffin on the way home."

"No, don't."

"Why not?"

"I'm about to go to IHOP, you can just come with."


Great, so my plan to get a longer kiss didn't work out, but at least I'll get some bacon out of it.


We get sat down. I can not wait until the waiter comes because I'm starving and I want pancakes.

"Yay, we got a booth." I say while opening up my menu.

"You get happy about every little thing."

"Well, it's better than having puffy eyes and having never ending tears."

"I guess you're right. No offense, Deja, but last week you were a mess."

"I'm aware of that. Things have changed a little since then."

"Like what?"

"I'm happy and life finally feels like it's getting better thanks to you."

"That happiness was already in you. I just helped it come out."

"Seriously, thanks."

I flip through the menu some more even though I know what I'm getting. I come to IHOP for three reasons. Those reasons being red velvet pancakes, hash browns and bacon. Practically the standard breakfast.

"Hi, my name is Ava, I'll be your server for today. Should we start off with some drinks?" Our server says while eyeing Cameron.

Girl, you work in food service, he does not want you. I mean, it's whatever. She's a pretty girl with light skin and long wavy hair so, I guess she's mixed, but Cameron would not like her.

"I'll take an orange juice." Cameron says.

"I'll get the same thing." I say with the fakest smile possible.

"Alright and, are we ready to order?" she asks with a fake smile directed to me and a sultry look directed at Cameron.

If I'm paying, she's not getting a tip. Before you ask, I'm very petty.

"Yeah, can I get a-" Cameron starts.

"We need a minute." I say, replicating the same fake smile that she gave.

She walks away, still eyeing Cameron a bit.

"I thought you said you were ready." Cameron says.

"She was totally eyeing you."

"You're delusional. She was just looking at me."

"No, I saw her glance at your sweatpants, she wants the Cam-bam-damn-slam."

"No, she doesn't." he says. "Why would you care anyway?"

"I don't want you to get caught up with these hoes, Cameron."

"Okay, but only if you don't get caught up with David."

Of course, he had to bring up David. That's such a douche-like thing to do.

"Nobody was even talking about David."

"Well, we need to start talking about him because I'm worried about you."

"Why are you worried about me?" I ask. "Everything is aired out already."

"No, it's not." he says, getting visibly annoyed. "Why are you friends with him?"

"Don't worry about me, Cameron. I can handle this."

"No you can't, Deja. If you could handle him, why'd last Wednesday happen?"

He makes a valid point, but I don't want to talk to him about that right now.

"Things have changed since last Wednesday."

"Yes, the days of the week changed, but that's about it. At the end of the day, David is still the little boy that he is and he's still the guy who almost stole your virginity." He says without pausing.

"I don't want to talk about it, okay?"

"Fine, for now."

He leans back and folds his arms. Shortly, little miss bitch comes back. She gladly takes Cameron's order before having her bitch face return to take my order. We hand over our menus, but before she walks away, Cameron does his signature panty-dropping smirk at little miss bitch.

"You're so petty." I say once she walks away.

"Well, I'll stop being petty if you stop being friends with David."

"My friendship with David is new and mostly fake, but he handed his homework over to me so, I want to see where this goes."

"Wow, so his homework is an automatic 'get in Deja's pants' pass?"

That's honestly the most vile thing that has ever been said to me before. I can't believe that he thought that that'd be something acceptable to say to me. And that's coming from Cameron.

"He didn't get in my pants for that. I said thanks and life went on as usual."

"That's surprising." He says while sipping out of his cup, looking at me directly through the glass.

I've never had the urge to splash a drink in someone's face as much as I do right now.

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OMG, today this book was #61 in teen fiction. When I woke up and saw that number, I almost cried.

On a more serious note, I was disgusted by what went down in Charlottesville, VA. I literally live an hour and a half from there so, to see that happen was just crazy and really surreal for me.

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