Ch. 50- Losing Deja

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^This song gets me in my feelings.^
Tbh this chapter title can be the name of a book.

Cameron's POV

I can't believe what I'm seeing. How is David going to ask Deja to Homecoming when he thinks that I'm going to Homecoming with Deja? I know that Deja is petty, but I don't think that she's petty to the point of ignoring her past experiences. From my view, I can't see if she said yes or not. I'm gonna have to wait for Deja to walk to the parking lot and up to my car.

"So, what'd you say?" I ask once she walks up to my car.

"I have a date for Homecoming."

"That isn't David, right?" I question in all seriousness.

I seriously doubt that Deja would let David be her date. It's just illogical.

"What are you talking about, it is David." She confirms my fears.

"Why would you do that?"

"Well, I already have a dress that I'm not trying to waste. I'm not about to roll up with a nice dress and no date."

"I didn't know that you had already gotten shit."

"It doesn't matter since I'm not going to Homecoming with you."

"Why are you being so petty?" I ask, trying to control my temper.

"Well, you've decided to kill any chance of us being as close as we were so, why not be petty? Now you're just like an average person that I pass in the halls everyday. I'm petty to those people so, you lose your no-pettiness pass."

"You do way too much."

"It's funny to hear you say that." She says before walking off.

I try to tell myself that she's just mad and isn't thinking clearly. I know that Deja and I's friendship isn't over. It can't be. This is another situation where I've messed up completely. I literally can't stop fucking things up and that's what worries me.

I know she's just doing this to make me mad, which is a plan that is working. She doesn't have any real feelings for David still.


Now, it makes me wonder if I should just go to Homecoming with Deja. Unfortunately, it's too late for that to happen. I've already done too much damage.

I do too much damage.


Deja's POV

I am just going to Homecoming with David out of spite. I know, it's petty, but everything happens for a reason. I'm doing this to show Cameron that if he doesn't show so initiative soon, he'll be losing Deja.

However, I think Cameron's ego will prevent him from making a move. I've already tried. Now, everything falls in his hands. I don't want to be with David, believe me. I want to be with Cameron.

"So, did you get a date yet to Homecoming?" My mom asks, peering her head in my room.

I take a deep breath in before thinking about my response.

"Sure." I say.

"Who's the guy?"

"David is his name."

"Wasn't your ex's name David?"

"Oh yeah, it was."

"Is it the same David?"

"Yes, mom."

"Then, I have to meet him before the dance."

"Okay, whatever." I say before she leaves the room.

Just as I think I'm home free, she peers in again.

"Hopefully, he'll still be your date by the time we meet."

If that wasn't my mom I would've flicked her off. My mom always says the most messed up stuff and of course she gets away with it. She's my mom and I can't disrespect her or else I'll be kicked out.

I'm not trying to get kicked out before Homecoming.

(Next Day)

Today, I have no school due to teachers' grading. Professional something day. I could catch up on my homework or, I could sleep in all day. Yeah, I'll gladly take the second option.

Just as my head graces my pillow, I hear my door open. I scream in my head. I already know that it's my mom. This is another moment where I wish my mom wasn't my mom.

"Get up."

"Why? What time is it?"

"It's late enough for you to be awake but early enough for it to be morning."

"Why can't I just sleep in?"

"Ok, do what you want but if you sleep in, you won't be able to go to Ava's house."

I respond to her by plopping my head on the pillow.

"C'mon, Ava said that she wanted to hang out with you."

"We're talking about the neighborhood Ava, right?"

"Of course, is there another Ava that I should know?"

"Did she sound genuine when she requested to hang out with me?" I question.

My mom takes her spot on the bed. Looks like she's about to tell me something worth listening to or of importance.

"You like Ava, right?"

"Sure." I press my lips together to prevent myself from laughing.

"Then, I'm pretty sure you'd love to do this for her."

"Do what for her? Why am I trying to cheer someone up?"

"She didn't tell you?"

"No, why would she?"

"Well, I thought since you two were friends and everything, she'd tell you what's up with her."

Something's up with her? Actually, I was wondering why she was so nice to me the other day. I just thought it was because she was trying to pay me back, but I guess she could've been genuine.

"Well, what's up with her?"

"Well, her dad is in the military and- maybe I shouldn't tell you. It's her family. Get dressed." She says before walking out of my room.


I zip up my jacket as the air hits me. You just gotta love autumn. Just kidding, I hate it. It gets colder, everything is pumpkin and everyone starts busting out the Uggs. My birthday is in autumn, but that's the only positive thing about it.

I walk down to my "frenemy's" house. Once I make it there, I don't see Olivia outside playing. Her mom probably forbade her from going outside. I mean, it is kind of cold.

I ring the doorbell and am welcomed by Ava's mom.

After saying hello and asking me about my day, she says, "Ava's just upstairs."

I walk into the house and it is pretty similar to my house. I mean, it is in my neighborhood where houses have minimal differences. I walk in Ava's room and see her on her phone. She looks up from her phone to talk to her mom, who is standing behind me.

"Really, mom? Dad's dead and you think I need a play date?" She says before getting up to close the door.

Actually, play dates are pretty fun.

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I honestly think this book has about 10 chapters left. Maybe 15 but that's as far as I'm going.

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