Ch. 29- Laugh at My Pain

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Deja's POV

"Thanks for everything, Cameron." I say as he pulls up to the curb.

"No problem."

"Really, I appreciate it. You didn't have to take the time out of your day to help me feel better, but you did."

"I wasn't gonna do anything today anyway."

"Oh, really? What do you usually do?"

"Do you really wanna know what I do in my free time?"

"Yeah, I wo-"

"You don't wanna know what I do in my free time."

As I feel the awkwardness growing in the car, I hug him and then say goodbye to him. He lets me out and drives off.

My mom has probably forgotten that I've left. I'll walk in the house and she'll ask "where'd you go?", even though I told her where I was going.

I walk in the house to see my mom flipping through the pages of Cosmo and drinking tea.

When doesn't she drink tea?

She jumps a little once I'm into the kitchen.

"Jeez, you need to stop coming home earlier than you should." She says, her reaction a bit delayed.

I'd never think that she would ever say that.

"Right, mom."

"Where'd you go again?" She asks, slurring a bit.

Wait, why is my mom slurring? She only drinks alcohol on special occasions. Even when that happens, she never drinks to the point of drunkenness.

"Mom, why are you drinking?" I say, reaching for the mug.

"It's just tea. See, I put it in a mug. That's how you know it's tea." My mom holds up the mug, trying to convince me.

I know what tea smells like and that is not it.

"Dad'll be here in like five hours." I say, pouring out the alcohol into the kitchen sink.

"Oh, who cares about that bastard?"

This is how I know that my mom is truly drunk. My mom cares about her image too much to even say the word bastard under her breath, let alone aloud. She might think it, but she'll never say it out and proud.

"Dad's not a bastard, and you need to go to sleep."

"What if I just went to sleep forever?" She slurs heavily.

"What are you saying?"

"What if I never wake up?"

"Now, why would you say that?"

"Because, your d-"

"I don't want to hear it. You need to take a nap." I get her out of her chair.

Okay, that's one thing accomplished. Now, I have to make it to the couch without her trying to attack me.

Luckily, the kitchen is right next to the living room. After I get her laid down, I get a blanket and put it over her.

I would've never thought that I'd have to tuck in my mom at this age.

Wow, today could just not get any better. Today's been full of ups and downs.

I woke up feeling like shit, I felt better at the mall, I felt like shit again because of David, I felt better after Cameron talked to me and now we're back at square one. Hopefully, this is a pattern so, the next thing coming is an up instead of a down.

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