Ch. 57- Officially Ruined

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This is a really long chapter since it is the last one. 😭

Deja's POV

"Don't worry, we can answer the questions together." My mom says, squeezing my hand.

Of course, I've seen the scenes in tv shows and movies where the police officer is questioning the victim in the hospital. I never thought that I would be that victim in the hospital. I can't believe that any of this is happening.

David's in this exact hospital, probably holding onto his life. Cameron is either at the school still being questioned or he's in a holding cell, and he's getting expelled. And to put the cherry on top, I've been practically kicked out. All of this happened in the last hour, which is the most dumbfounding part of this whole situation.

"So, to my understanding, you are injured because of someone named David?" The female police officer asks me.

"Yes, his full name is David Bailey James. I believe he's a patient in this hospital too."

"He is. We're still trying to figure out his situation."

"Is he okay?"

"No, he's not. He suffered great injury at the hands of Cameron Mills, correct?"

Wait, they already know about him?

"Yes, but I swear he did it in defense."

"Why do you say that?" She asks, pulling out a form.

"So, David choked me until I passed out. While I was passed out, he proceeded to beat me. Cameron came in and stopped David while still fighting him."

"Okay, did he hit Cameron back?"

"I don't know. Ma'am, I wasn't necessarily conscious."

"Okay, I assume we're pressing charges on David for battery." The officer says, looking at my mom for confirmation.

"Yes, most definitely."

"Okay, well we're going to take some pictures of her neck and face for evidence."

"That's perfectly fine."

"Okay." The police officer pulls out the camera and does what she said she was going to do.

The police officer leaves the room and I look for my phone. My dad probably has no idea that any of this is happening. I find that my phone is in my back pants pocket. It doesn't surprise me that my screen protector has two new cracks on it.

I unlock the phone and tap on the green phone icon. I scroll through my contacts until my eyes land on my dad's contact. I click on it, expecting my dad to immediately answer it. Instead, my dad doesn't answer the phone at all and it goes to voicemail.

I still don't know where I'm going to go. I have two options, my dad and Cameron. My dad isn't answering the phone and Cameron might be in a holding cell right now. Every second that he doesn't call me, I worry more and more.

Cameron's POV

Handcuffs aren't necessarily the most comfortable thing in the world. The officer made sure that the handcuffs were as tight as possible. I haven't said anything to the police about what I did. I'm not dumb, I know that I'm going to jail tonight. I can't say anything to change that.

I have a knife, which is something I told the police officer. I didn't use it, but it's still in my possession. If I didn't have the knife, I wouldn't be getting expelled. I would be getting a long-term suspension. Oh well, I don't really have a plan in life anyway.

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