Ch. 19 - First Day Without

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Deja's POV

(Next Day in Homeroom)

I walk into my Trigonometry class after going through Hell's gates in the hallway. Cynthia and her fake-ass is still faking her injury. She's not letting up at all.

I sit down at my desk. Shortly, my eyes light up as they plant on David's. I want to hug him, but I don't know if he's still not feeling well. Plus, Mr. Smith is nosey and will definitely say, "no PDA."

After what seems like an eternity, David finally sits down beside me, coughing the whole way.

"You got sick?" I ask David.

"Yeah, it was my stupid brother. He was sick and everything so, he stayed home. Someone needed to watch him since he was throwing up, so my parents told me to miss school for the day. It wasn't even the end of the day when I started to feel weird."

"Are you better now?"

"I'm good for the most part. I haven't thrown up like my brother. My throat just hurts and the usual cold symptoms."

"Oh, I see."

"So, what did I miss while I was gone?"

"Cameron got suspended."

"That's what he gets. I've never liked him. Every time he gets suspended, it's so peaceful around here. There aren't any problems."

"Well, once you get to know him, you realize that he's not that bad of a guy. He just has his flaws like you and I have flaws."

"Our flaws don't break jaws. Because of him, Southview has a reputation that isn't good."

"Who gives a damn? After this year, we'll be out of here and we'll never have to come back again. It'll be on our record, but it's really nothing."

"Well, I'm trying to go to the University of Virginia which is literally two hours away. I know that there are a lot of people that go there that went to Southview. I can't be associated with that."

"Well, that sounds like a David problem. I'm trying to get out of this state."

"Where are you gonna go?"

"I don't even know, to be honest with you. I just know that I want to get out of this state. Might go to New York or California. I just need to get away from here."

"What are you in such a hurry for? What does New York or California have for you?"

Everything that I want.

"What does Virginia have that I want?" I ask.

"Well, it has me."

New York or California still have everything I want.


It's lunchtime and I'm sitting at the table with Tiara. She's getting busy on her turkey sandwich. The turkey at the school is really thin, and the tomatoes aren't fresh at all so, I don't know why she's acting so extra with her eating.

"The school's turkey sandwich isn't even that good. It's close to inedible," I point out.

"I don't care. I've been having really bad anxiety and stress lately. I don't have the desire to eat much."

This is strange behavior for Tiara. Even though she has a slim and tight frame, she could scarf down some Subway sandwiches all day long. Tiara actually doesn't like the school's sandwiches so, she gets the normal chicken patty or nuggets most of the time. Whenever Tiara does want a sandwich, she'll make it herself and bring it to school.

"Why are you so stressed out?"

"All this drama that you're in is starting to rub off on me."

"T, what are talking about?"

"Don't act stupid, Deja. You go on a date with David and then the next day you're seen with Cameron. You get in two fights so now people talk about you behind your-"

I cut her off out of anger. "First of all, I'm going out with David, not Cameron. Second of all, I'm aware of how many fights I've been in. My mom reminds me every day when I come home. You don't need to tell me. You also don't need to tell me about the people who talk about me because I have fucking ears."

"You didn't let me finish!"

"I already know what you're going to say."

"No, you don't Deja. Also, watch that language, it's not ladylike."

"I'm not trying to impress anyone. Why do you care if I swear so much? It's my lips and voice, not yours."

"You say that you're not trying to impress anyone when you're leaving an impression on everyone. Right now, your impression isn't very good."

"You're not my mom, Tiara Thompson. I can do whatever the hell I want to," I say, grabbing all of my things and getting up.

"I guess you don't want cookies and cupcakes, then," Tiara says smartly.

I sit down slowly. What can I say, Tiara knows my weaknesses.

"What about them?" I ask.

"On Saturday or Friday night, you could come over to my house and we could make cookies and cupcakes like how we used to do."

Ah, the good ol' days.

"Okay, fine but only because cookies and cupcakes are involved."

Tiara stands up from the table and hugs me while shaking me at the same time. I don't hug back because it was completely unexpected.

"I'm just trying to help," Tiara says while still hugging me.

"I don't want your help. Nobody asked for it."

"Well, my parents didn't necessarily ask for a child, but I happened."

This is one of the moments where I question Tiara's sanity. No one was even talking about her parents.


I walk into the auditorium and sit where I usually sit. It feels so weird to look to my left and not see anyone. Cameron was the one thing that made this whole program semi-tolerable. Now that he's gone, it is completely intolerable. I need to keep reminding myself that I just need to survive the program today. On Thursday, Cameron will be back and I'll have someone to talk to.

Right now, I don't think that I'm having much trouble staying afloat, mentally.

"Hello, everyone!" Ms. Kits says with her peppy attitude as she walks down the aisle.

Never mind, I'm definitely sinking.

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I'm going to release a face claim book with a whole bunch of male models in it so, be on the look out for that. I already have 11 parts, but I don't know if I should release it already or keep working on it until I reach 20 parts.

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