Ch. 7 - Forgetting is a Habit

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^More visuals of Cameron^

Deja's POV


Now that I think about it, there are some really cute specimens that rule Southview. Of course, there's Cameron, but I never really noticed David. How could I completely ignore his good looks?

Well, he's in my English Literature class so, I still get to see him. He's in my morning classes and then, I see him in study hall during Spartan Hour. That means that I get to have two doses of David.

I walk inside of the classroom and David is in there already. Does this guy have flash boots, or what? That's the only answer for the type of speed that David has.

In this class, we're in alphabetical order too. Two doses of being next to David. I walk to my seat and sit down.

"Hi, David," I say, sounding ecstatic.

"Hi," He says while running his fingers through his brown hair.

He looks stressed out and jittery, to say the least, but I assume it's because he had to go straight to school from his job at Starbucks. At the same time, I'm curious and I want validation.

"Why are you so stressed out, David?"

"It's nothing. Just school and everything."

I don't buy it, but it's whatever. The teacher starts talking about something. I'm not paying much attention to the teacher until I hear the two words that everyone feels a type of way about. Those two words are Cameron and Mills. As soon as those words come out, Everyone turns around and looks at me. I can feel all the eyes on me even though I've already gone into the hoodie-and-hide mode.

I want to just curse out everyone that's looking at me, but I wasn't raised that way. Plus, my attendance should be the only bad thing on my record, not profanity.

The next thing I know, Cameron walks in the room. My teacher scans the room for empty seats before pointing to a chair, which happened to be the empty chair to the left of me. Cameron keeps eye contact with me as he sits down in the chair.

"Sup, truant," He says.

"Hi, Cameron," I say through my clenched teeth.

"What's the matter, you don't want to sit next to me?"

"Quite frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."

"Cameron, leave her alone," David says, causing everyone to look at us again.

Everyone gasps, including the teacher. Tension is definitely high on this side of the room.

"Somebody grew a pair over the summer, but don't get embarrassed," Cameron says.

I'm just in the middle of this back-and-forth conversation.

"Can you guys just stop please?" I say, which is effective.

They stop arguing and the rest of the classroom begins to make noise once again.

"Aww, she had to break up a fight with her boyfriend and David. Deja, don't you think that you and Cameron can just fight David?" Cynthia says.

I'm sick of this shit that I've been getting ever since that stupid fight two days ago. Like I said earlier, I don't even fight, but that idea is looking pretty tempting right now. I just want to punch Cynthia in that stupid little face of hers.

After thinking that, it becomes apparent that I was writing that I wanted to fight Cynthia on my desk.


We have been assigned the work to do. It's independent, but we are still allowed to talk. David is still antsy like he was before. It becomes clear that he isn't going to calm down anytime soon.

"Are you sure that you're g-" I say before David cuts me off.

"Why didn't you text me yesterday?" He asks.

Why is David getting so heated over a missed text? Aren't girls supposed to be the only ones that typically do that?

"I was slumped with work. I might text you today if schoolwork allows me. Forgetting is a habit of mine. If I don't text you, I'll make it up," I suggest.

"And how are you going to do that?"

"We can go on a date or something like that. It'll be fun."

"I like the sound of that."

Cameron's POV

David is a bitch. He can't fight to save his life. Trust me, I've seen it. We have a past that I wouldn't want Deja to experience. If I told Deja about some of the things that David and I went through, she would probably just say I'm bullshitting.

Truthfully, I care about her kinda. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to anyone, really. I know that may sound weird to hear from me, the fighter, but it's true. A lot of people just get on my nerves easily.

Deja probably thinks that I hate her, but I don't. There's something different about Deja. She's not like all these girls that walk up and down the halls that I couldn't care less about. I just don't want Deja to get hurt emotionally.

I could warn Deja about him, but she'd probably think that I have feelings for her.


The bell rings, so everyone gets out of their seats and head for the door. Deja's about to walk off with David, but I know that I must tell her about him. If I do that, I know that I've at least tried to help her out.

"Deja," I say, causing both David and Deja to turn around.

Deja and David walk over to where I am.

"David, are you deaf?" I ask.


"Then, fuck off," I say, causing him to turn around and walk to what I think is his next class.

Deja laughs. "Why do you have to be so mean all the time?"

"I'm not mean, I just had to get him to walk away."

"Well, he walked away so, what do you need to talk to me about?"

"David and I used to be friends. I'm not telling you what to do, but be careful if you're gonna start dating him."

"What'd he do?"

"I can't tell you, but just be cautious and careful around him."

"Why do you care? I thought you hated me."

"Everyone thinks I hate them. That's just the way that I mess with people. It doesn't help that I kinda have a reputation for doing mean things. Listen, I don't hate you."

"OK, well we can't be acquaintances or friends just yet. There's so much drama surrounding you and me, so I just want us to keep a lower profile." Deja says.

As soon as she says that, Cynthia and her little group of friends walk past us. Sure they snicker, but that doesn't bother me much. It looks like it bothers Deja more.

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I have been struggling with a cold, writer's block, and a bunch of schoolwork, but I won't be anymore. It was my last day of school two days ago, so I will try to update this book every two days until the beginning of the next school year.

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