Ch. 18 - Exposed

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Deja's POV

I quickly end the call by tapping the red button. I hear the knob turning which makes me panic more than I already am. My mom walks into the room and I make a quick decision to tap on a random app.

"Who were you talking to?" She asks with her arms folded.

"I wasn't talking to anybody. I was just rapping."

"I didn't know you had a deep voice," she says, raising one of her eyebrows.

I had headphones in so, what is she talking about? Did I forget to plug them in like I always do? I look down at my phone and see the headphone end right beside my phone. That explains why I turned up the volume so I could hear it.

If I was still talking to Cameron, he would've said I just pulled a Deja.

"I don't have a deep voice, but my rapping voice is," I lie.

"Deja, you don't rap."

"With all these things that have been going on, do you really know me?"

"I don't know anymore. When did you start to have such a crooked view of me?"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard what you said about how I wanted to be white and 'perfect'." She uses her fingers to make the quotation marks around perfect.

"What about it?"

"That isn't something you tell just anybody."

She heard all of that? Did she hear the part where I talked about virginity? Hopefully not.

"I don't see what you're trying to get at."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

Yes, I do, but I wasn't talking to him.

"Yeah," I say, rolling my eyes.

I really don't see the purpose in my mom asking me about him.

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"Well, the only thing that you've talked to me about is fighting. You're too busy fussing at me to know what's going on with me."

"Well, I'm sorry. You're a good kid that's just going through something."

Did she just say sorry? Did she just say something that is actually logical? I feel like I might cry. I might just hug her.

"Tell me about him. What's his name?" She asks.

"His name is David James. I thought he was a good looking guy so, I started talking to him a year ago. We were always sat together because of our last names, so it was practically inevitable that it was going to happen."

"You only wanted to talk to him because he was good looking? That sounds a bit shallow."

"Aren't we all shallow? I mean, dad said that the first thing you said to him was that he was 'so cute'. Yet again, look how that turned out," I say.

Damn, I really wish I would've had some tea. I would be sipping some out of a cup right now.

"Deja, stop it. The divorce was literally seven years ago."

"You don't see it from my point of view. I've already accepted the divorce, I'm just trying to accept that the pain is still there."

"Get over it, Deja."

"No mom, I'm not going to get over it. I know you don't know what I'm going through since your parents are still together, but can you at least try? Can you at least try to understand that I had to go from having a dream life to what I have now?"

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