Ch. 16 - Suspension? Really?

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(Skip to Monday Morning)

Deja's POV

I walk into the school and this time I don't have the urge to make a complete U-turn. The emotions brought on by my dad's announcement of the big move and the date on Saturday have had a huge impact on my confidence.

Unlike most days, I have a feeling that something's going to happen. I hope it's good because I don't want my mood to change. I feel like I did before the whole Cameron thing. Actually, this is the best I've felt since I was 10.

The halls are unusually quiet. The atmosphere is similar to how it was the day after I got jumped. Except, today I get dirty looks. The day after I got jumped, people were just scared of me. Now, it looks like everyone hates me.

Cynthia has crutches today. I wonder what happened to her. I have to walk past her in order to get to my locker.

"What happened to your leg?" I ask.

"Is that supposed to be funny to you?" She asks.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't act like you weren't the person who did this to me!"

What is she talking about? I thought she was cool with me. I thought she lost her squad.

"I didn't give you crutches. You're delusional."

"The video doesn't lie, Deja."

She shoves her phone in my face. It's the video of me getting jumped from Thursday. The video doesn't show the full fight and only shows the part where Cynthia drops to the ground and her friends run away.

I don't remember seeing a phone filming the fight. There was no phone all up in my grill.

Who filmed it?

Everyone probably thinks that this video is from Friday instead of Thursday. Really, I don't want this video to get around. Knowing high school, it's probably all over everyone's Snap. I just hope that it doesn't get around to Mr. Davis.

Cameron's POV

Deja doesn't know what she's getting herself into with David. She's going to get her heart broken when he cheats on her. For now, she's blinded by love like the rest of the girls in this dumb-ass school. I'm just glad that David's dumb-ass didn't show up to school today.

She walks into the class on time. I guess she really is changing. I eye her as she walks to the desk beside me.

I open my mouth to say something, but before any words come out, she cuts me off.

"Don't even say it, Cameron."

"Someone's early."

"Really, Cameron?"

"I wasn't even going to say anything like that but then you gave me the idea. You shouldn't have said anything."

"You're right, Cameron. I always say too much. I never know when to shut the hell up," she says as her head falls into her hands.

"Is everything okay?"

"I don't know, Cameron. Is everything okay?" she replies, looking up.

"I don't know, that's why I was asking you. You just seem a little piped up."

She stops talking and looks like she's trying to collect her thoughts. That or she's wondering if she should go off on me or not.

"Everything isn't okay," she finally says as she fumbles around with her hands.

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