Ch. 24 - Tell Someone

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Deja's POV

I walk into the class and sit down. We're not supposed to have hoods on inside the school, but I don't need anybody to see me right now. I'll just keep my oversized Pink sweat jacket on.

I really wish that Cameron was gonna be in this class. I mean, he's supposed to be in my English Literature class, but he told me that he's gonna be in Mr. Davis' office for the whole period.

I'm gonna be all depressed and everything without him here. Now, all I'll think about is David and the terrible smirk that he had when I said, "stop." Well, once I get classwork then I'll do that, but until then, I'll be moping around in my chair.

I check my phone underneath the desk and open up Snapchat. Of course, I see the video of Cameron, but it hasn't reached the magnitude that the Cynthia conflict video has.

Hopefully, it's not ever going to reach that video's level. While I'm angrily skimming through everyone's Snapchat stories, I see David scrolling on his phone to the seat next to me.

"What are doing?" I ask, looking up from my phone.

"Breathing," he smartly says.

I did not ask for the attitude, thank you very much.

"I mean why are you sitting here?"

"I sit here," he says, scoffing a little. "Do you remember when they put us in alphabetical order on the second day of school?"

I forgot that he sits next to me. Dammit, this is really not going to help me forget about him.

I continue to scroll through all the stories without saying another word to David.

"You know, it's decent to respond to somebody when they say something."

"Are you really trying to give me a lesson about decency, David?"

"Listen, you can say anything you want about what happened yesterday. Go ahead and report me, and get me suspended or worse. I deserve everything, Deja. I'm really sorry for what I did, and what I was thinking about doing with you."

I don't turn around to look at him at all. I just sit there and look annoyed.

"Listen, Deja. I've already apologized so many times. If I say sorry any more than I already have, I'll be emasculated."

I calmly get up from my seat, grab my things and go to the teacher at her desk.

"Ms. Johnson, do you think I could sit in another seat for at least today?"

"May I know the reason, Deja?"

"I don't feel like I will get much work done if I sit next to David. I'm just being honest."

"I usually tell students that personal problems shouldn't interfere with school, but I'll make an exception. You can sit in that seat in the second row since Nathan transferred to another class a couple days ago," she says, pointing to the seat she wants to me to sit in.

"Thank you so much, Ms. Johnson."

"Take your hood off," she says, smiling.

While walking to my new seat, I slide off my hood. It's the least I can do for Ms. Johnson. She's not the most generous teacher so, I know this was a gift from God or something. It has to be. Or, maybe she got some last night because she's happy.

While waiting for class to start, I get a text from David. Why I even still have his number is beyond me. However, I have changed his name in my contacts to math. Nobody really likes math.

Math: I see where we stand now.

I lock my phone and soon the class starts. Yay, time to take long-ass notes to write a long-ass essay.


It's the end of the day and it's a Thursday so, you know what that means.

I walk into the auditorium and sit down next to Cameron. My hood is back on my head. I had no one to talk to for the rest of my classes and at lunch, Tiara talked to me a little because she was still pissed at me.

Even though she is still pissed, she is still down for tomorrow. I mean, she might be mad at me, but she'll never be mad or petty enough to tell me that I'm getting food and then not give me food.

If our friendship ever gets to that point then we'll have a problem.

After sitting next to Cameron for a good amount of time, he turns to me.

"Are you in mourning or something?" He asks, showing concern.

"No, but I do feel like shit."


"No reason."

"Usually I don't say this, but if you need someone to talk to about David, I'll try to listen."

"I don't care about David."

"Then what is it about then? I haven't known you for long, but I don't want to see you sad. It's depressing," Cameron says.

The thought of telling him about the situation bounces back and forth in my mind. I want to tell him, but I don't want something to happen to David. I want to tell someone because it's not healthy to keep it bottled up. I just want to tell him without revealing that I went through it. I'll just blame it on someone.

Kinda like farting and then blaming it on the person beside you.

"Well, it has something to do with my friend. I don't know if you'd want to hear it," I say, fumbling with my fingers.

It's a sure fire way of knowing if someone is nervous or not. It's obvious that I'm lying. Hopefully, he doesn't notice.

"I still want to hear about it if it affects you."

"So, you know my friend, Tiara?"


"Well, she had a boyfriend. They hadn't even been dating for a month, but he started trying moves on her. She would want him to stop touching her in an inappropriate way. She would say it and everything, but he wouldn't stop."

"Well, are they still together?"

"No, but she still has feelings for him so, she wants to get back together with him. I want her to let go of him because he's doing this to her, but she won't listen to me."

"That's a tough situation," he says, running a finger across his lips. "Has she told anyone about it?"

"She wants to, but at the same time, she doesn't want to get him in trouble. She feels like she'd betray him in a way because he was her boyfriend when it happened."

"It shouldn't matter if he was her boyfriend or not. He did it without consent, therefore it's wrong."

"So, should she tell or what?"

"It's really not up to you or me. It's up to Tiara, but if something like that happened to you, I'd want you to tell."


"Well, that would be after I choked him out," he casually says.

"I don't like violence, so I'd probably stop you."

"If someone did something like that to you, there would be no choice. They'd be lying on the ground," he says, with the most innocent smile displayed at the end.

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I'm done with my week long school thingy. However, I will be going back to school in 4 weeks.

This week has been excruciating so, to see notifications from votes or comments really make me smile. Just wanted to say that.

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