Ch. 12 - It's Not a Big Deal

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Deja's POV

I climb into Tiara's mom's car. I cover my bruised cheekbone with my hand. Tiara's mom wouldn't care if I didn't cover it either, but I just want to make sure. Tiara sits beside me and buckles in.

It's only a matter of time before Tiara's mom decides to try and socialize with us.

"So, how was practice?" She asks.

"Good." Tiara and I say simultaneously.

"Well, that's good. Deja, I didn't know that you were a cheerleader too," Her mom says.

"I'm not a cheerleader, I just needed to fill in for Tiara since her ankle was bothering her."

"Oh, I see. So, you're going to be at tomorrow's game?"


"T, you're gonna go with her to the game, okay?"

Tiara nods. Tiara's mom puts on some music and we start leaving the school parking lot. It's about time that I get away from this hellhole.


I get dropped off in front of my house. I say goodbye to Tiara and thank her mom for the ride. While walking up the driveway, I look through the glass in the garage to see two cars. My mom doesn't have two cars. The extra car is an Audi too.

Who owns the extra car? Is the owner a man that my mom is dating? If so, is the owner willing to give me a car of equal value?

I walk into the house, ready to see who the new person is. I look around, but they're nowhere to be found.

"Mom, where's the new dude?"

"Deja, what do you- what happened to your face?"

Knowing all hope is lost at this point, I don't cover my bruise. If I did, she would just be more dramatic about it.

"It's nothing mom, it's not a big deal."

"I knew it. You've been fighting again."

"No, I fell while doing a tumbling pass, so this happened," I lie.

"I've seen you tumble, Deja. You have the cleanest form that I've ever seen. It's too bad that you wanted to quit."

"Mom, mistakes happen. It's been two months, so I'm a bit rusty," I half-lie.

"Lord, forgive me for what I'm about to say, but I know that's bullshit."

A long silence passes before I decide to speak up. "It wasn't my fault. The girl snuck up on me and started it, but I won. I was walking from the gym and-"

"Deja James, I don't give a damn about winning or losing a fight. The point is, a fight is a fight. You see all these girls walking around in the bad part of town walking up and down the street? Have you seen 'em?"

I nod, resisting the urge to roll my eyes. I already know that this is going to result in another lecture.

"Well, they started out like you. They were fighting, but now they're using drugs and they're single moms at the same time. Can't even take care of the children 'cause they're going in and out of jail," She rants.

"Mama, I'm not them. Why can't you see that?"

"What I can see is the future, and it's not looking too bright for you. I was gonna let you drive around in that Audi in the garage, but obviously, that's not gonna happen anytime soon."

"Okay, it's just a car, and that's probably what you want, right? A daughter who's out on the streets, selling herself. Then, you'll have an excuse to disown me like you've always wanted," I say, tears spilling out with every word.

I run upstairs and flee to my room. I cry into my pillow like the girls in the movies. Sometimes it's okay to be cliché. I can already hear my mom's apathy-filled words.

"Stop crying before I give you something to cry about."

I know that she'll be coming upstairs soon to check up on me, but I know she doesn't care. My mom doesn't give a damn about me. She doesn't care about all the good things that I do. All she cares about is the bad things.

Most parents would be happy to hear that their children are acing their AP/Honors courses, but my mom doesn't care. I can't even remember the last time she said: "I'm proud of you, Deja."

I grab my phone from my purse while trying to wipe my face with the covers on my bed. I open it up to see that I have 3 missed FaceTime calls from the one and only David. I still haven't texted him though.

I open up iMessage to decline the call with an explanation.

Me: I can't talk right now.

David😍: Oh okay. So, are you excited about tomorrow?

Me: Actually, can we make that on Saturday instead of Friday? I have to cheer at a football game on Friday. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier, I didn't find out until today.

David😍: Sure, we can make it Saturday. As long as I get to see you, I'll be fine.

Me: Just letting you know, I didn't forget about what happened in trigonometry class.

I close the app only for me to see another message. This time, it's Tiara texting me.

Tiara😂🤗: So, are you at the hospital yet?

Me: No, surprisingly, my organs are still inside of me and she didn't skin me so, that's great.

Tiara😂🤗: Well, how did she react then?

Me: With my mom being my mom, she was pissed. I got a lecture on prostitutes and crack whores.

Tiara😂🤗: Oh, that's tough.

Me: Yeah it is. She doesn't care about my injury, all she cares about is that I was in a fight. I could die in a fight, and she'd still be hung up on the fact that I was in a fight.

Tiara😂🤗: And I thought my mom was tough.

Me: Your mom is a dandelion. My mom is a Venus fly trap.

Tiara😂🤗: That's funny. Well, I got to go because of homework and shit.

Me: Okay, I'm not doing the homework today. That's tomorrow's problem. Today is meltdown day.

Tiara😂🤗: Just take a break. You've been through the ringer this week.

I close my phone and close my eyes as I lay on my bed.

I think I finally know what moms mean when they say they need their me time.

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