Ch. 21 - I'm Your Boyfriend

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Deja's POV


I walk into the study hall, prepared to see David waiting for me. Instead, he isn't there. Looks like I'm going to be waiting for him. I grab a random book like I always do and sit down at one of the tables. I make sure to hide my face behind the book. I want him to see me, but at the same time, I'm still a little torn. I just have a feeling like something bad will happen.

I jump a little on the inside once I see him walk into the study hall. He sits down beside me like he always does.

"OK, so I'll go ask to use the bathroom. You'll wait a few minutes and you'll ask the same thing," he whispers.

The study hall's closest bathroom is right next to the door that's closest to the parking lot. There aren't even any cameras in that area too, so I doubt that we'll have any trouble.

He asks the monitor if he can go use the bathroom. She says yes, so he leaves. I knew she was going to say yes because she's the most chill monitor ever. Most monitors would ask "why are you going to the bathroom with your book bag on?", but not this one.

I wait a few minutes before I ask the same thing. She says yes without looking up so I leave quickly. I make it to the door that leads to the parking lot and calmly walk over there, ignoring my heart that's pounding a mile a minute.

I see David by his car. He motions me towards him. He opens up the passenger door, lets me in and then shuts the door. He lets himself into the car and presses the 'push to start' button.

"See, you didn't die," David says.

"I don't know by the way that my heart is pounding. My adrenaline is through the roof."

"Aren't you used to skipping? Why are you so nervous all of the sudden?"

"I've been on an indefinite hiatus from skipping."

"Well, that's no fun."

"I didn't know you skipped."

"Of course I do, Deja. Nobody is just a square around here. Everyone has a little dirt on them."

"Yeah, true, but can we get going? While we're having this conversation, my anxiety is crazy high."

On that, David pulls out of the parking lot and gets on the road. My stomach starts growling, which is something that David takes note of.

"You hungry?" He asks, not taking his eyes off the road.

"A little, but it's no big deal."

"We could get something to eat, like Chick-fil-A," he suggests.

"Yeah, I'm fine with Chick-fil-A."

Chick-fil-A is a good 5 minutes away from the school. That's the good thing about having a school right in the center of all the action. You're never too far away from a fast food place or a mall. They make skipping easy.

I turn on the radio and Nobody Else But You by Trey Songz comes on.

"I don't want nobody else, but you. I don't want nobody else, but you-ou, I-I nobody else, but you," I sing, feeling the music way too much.

Shortly, David pulls up to the drive-thru. I get a chicken sandwich, a lemonade, and some fries. He pulls toward to the paying booth and I open up my wallet to pay, but I already see David hand over a 10 dollar bill.

Gentleman, I see.

He pulls up to the next window, steals a couple of my fries, hands my food over to me and then drives off.

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