Ch. 36- A Surprise

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Deja's POV

"Does anyone sleep in here?" I ask.

"My sister sleeps in here when she comes over."

OK, I was just overthinking like I'm always doing. He has a sister, not a girlfriend.

"Oh, you have a sister?"

"Yeah, you know the spot I told you to park in at the garage?"


"That's my sister's parking space, but she only comes over here on occasion. You can have her parking space anytime."

Did he really just give me his sister's parking space? He's basically choosing me over his family.

"How old is your sister?" I ask.

"She turned 17 a month ago. She comes over my house whenever things get shitty at my parents'." He says, running his hand through his brown hair.

We leave the room and sit back down on the couch.

"You have a nice apartment. It's kinda like the dream apartment if I ever thought to get one." I compliment.

"Speaking of dreams, you never told me why you care about kissing more than murdering?" He asks.

Oh my god, not this again. If he asks me again, I might just tell him the truth so he can stop bugging me.

"Why do you care about a dream that I had?" I question.

"There's some logic missing in this and I need clarity."

I turn on the TV, which is now playing Scream, to avoid further conversation. I happened to turn the TV on just in time for a jumpscare.

I jump and reach for the nearest thing.

That nearest thing happens to be Cameron's bicep. His eyes meet mine and I let go of his arm.

I swear, we just had a magical moment.

"Nice try, but I still want an answer to this. And I get what I want." He says, smirking.

Cameron can probably sense that I feel a way about him. He knows what to do in order to find his way into my head.

"OK, fine. I care about it because I know that you'd never kill me. That's just crazy. However, a kiss is realistic." I say, looking down to protect myself from Cameron's reaction. "Ever since that dream, I can't stop wondering about the possibility. The dream keeps haunting me because I'm curious."

"Curious about what?" Cameron hesitantly asks.

"What it'd be like if we kissed." I mumble, still looking down.

"What did you say?"

"What it'd be like if we kissed." I repeat, speaking louder.

"If you really want to know so bad, we could kiss." He reluctantly says.

Has Christmas come early? I thought Cameron would laugh or do something of that nature if I told him about why I could look over murder for kisses. What I told him is a lie, but it's kinda close to the truth.

"OK, but only because I want to stop having the thought in my brain."

"Deja, shut up and kiss me already." He says before his lips touch mine.

It was just a peck, but I could tell that Cameron is a good kisser. I'm not a hoe, but I've kissed some guys in my eighteen years of living so, I know what I'm talking about.

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