Ch. 5 - Jinx!

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Cameron's POV

I can't believe that Deja just walked out of the program like that. I'm the most disrespectful person in the school and I wouldn't even think to do that.

"This program doesn't work," I say, much to everyone else's amusement.

"Why would you say that?" Ms. Kits says with her usual peppy attitude.

"Didn't you see Deja walk out?"


"Isn't this program supposed to stop that from happening? Aren't we supposed to be troublemakers no more?"

"That girl is just one instance of rebellion. She will be disciplined for her actions."



"That's her name, Deja."

"I'm aware of that, Cameron."

"Then, why don't you say it in place of that girl? It's not very polite, Debra."

Ms. Kits looks appalled because of me saying her first name.

"Cameron, you and Deja will be reported to Mr. Davis due to disrespect and rebellion."

"Okay, like I give a shit."

"Profanity is discouraged in this program, so that's another thing I will inform Mr. Davis about."

"Okay, like he gives a shit about cursing."

On that note, I grab my little bit of things and get up.

"Mr. Mills, where are you going?" Ms. Kits asks me.

"I don't know, the bathroom?"

"Why did that come out as a question?"

"I don't know. Maybe you can tell Mr. Davis about that too."

I walk out of the auditorium.

Deja's POV

I'm sitting in study hall with David. At the end of the day, we have Spartan Hour, which basically means free hour. At Spartan Hour, we get to go to study hall, talk to teachers, or go to clubs. In my case, I go to the T.M.N.M. program. T.M.N.M. is supposed to take up the whole 45 minutes of Spartan Hour, but knowing me, I'm only going to be able to attend the program for half of the 45 minutes before it becomes unbearable.

"Why are you coming to study hall late?" David asks me.

"Is it really any of your business?"

"Jeez, I was just wondering," He says defensively. "How can you skip a period that you do nothing in?"

"I wasn't skipping study hall."

"Then, what were you doing?"

"If I say I was in the bathroom, will that satisfy you?"

"Probably not."

"Then, I was at Mr. Davis's program."

"The program for troublemakers?"

"Yes, how do you know about it?"

"My friend, Marco is in it. Aren't you supposed to be in the program right now?"

"Yeah, but I decided to skip half."

"How do you skip a program that's supposed to help your skipping problem? Deja, you need to seriously stop. You won't be able to miss days when you actually have something that you need to miss school for."

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