Ch. 25- Messy Situation

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(Next Day)

Deja's POV

After another grueling day at school, I can now relax with cupcakes and cookies. I know it's such a juvenile thing to be excited about, but I just want to be happy again. I've always been happy while I made and ate baked goods.

As soon as I came home, I dropped off my things, took the car and drove over to Tiara's house.

I ring the doorbell and patiently wait for Tiara to open the door. I soon hear the door unlocking.

"Hi, Deja." Tiara says, opening the door wide enough for me to smell the food.

I walk in her house and wander off to the kitchen.

"Jeez, Deja! You're not even gonna say hi back?"

"Oh, sorry." I apologize.

"Why are you so serious? I was just joking." She says, wrapping her arm around me.

I thought she was still feeling some type of way from yesterday. Yesterday, she still wouldn't tell me what she had to tell me and just brushed it off. Hopefully, she'll tell me today.

Anyway, there was everything needed to make the cookies and cupcakes already laid out on the table. Additionally, there were ribs from Tiara's mom's catering company.

"You didn't even tell me that your mom would have spare ribs." I say, lifting the aluminum foil covering them.

"Well, I have to keep some things surprising. I can't tell you everything."

"So, speaking of telling me things, what were you going to tell me yesterday?"

Tiara grabs a rib from my plate to buy herself some time I guess. After eating it to the point of gnawing on the bone, she says, "I have nothing to say."

"Okay, are you still mad at me?"

"No. I was just being emotional and shit for no reason."

"Oh, well are we gonna start or not?"

"No, let's watch Teen Wolf."

"Since when did you start watching Teen Wolf?"

"Ever since I saw what Tyler Posey looked like."

"Bitch, you're starting from season 1?"

"Yes, but I'm still on season 1 so, you won't be lost."

"Okay, but if I ask a million and one questions, don't be hesitant to answer them."

"I promise that I'll answer all your questions, Deja." She says while patting my shoulder.

"Wait, if I watch Teen Wolf, will you watch Scream with me?"

"Scream doesn't come on anymore. Plus, you know that kinda stuff gives me nightmares."

"Oh my gosh, Tiara, you're such a wimpy bitch sometimes."

"One day you'll regret that." She says, laughing so I know that she's joking.


"So, are we gonna do shit or not?" I say after watching 3 one-hour long episodes of Teen Wolf.

"Don't you enjoy the show?"

"Yes, but that was not the reason for me coming here."

"Then, why'd you come?"

"Because a bitch wants her promised food." I frankly say.

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