Ch. 17 - Confessions & Warnings

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^More visuals of David^

Deja's POV

Mr. Davis attaches the phone back to the base. He just told my mom that I have detention tomorrow. He said that he couldn't trust me to tell my mom about it on my own. I could hear my mom's yelling through the phone. Once again, Mr. Davis wants to make sure that I go home depressed.

"Mr. Davis, I was fully capable of telling my mom when I got home. You didn't need to do that."

"Based on your mom's reaction, I would NOT want to go home," Cameron says, slightly laughing.

"Haha, very funny. You try having a parent that hates your guts."

"I do. I have two actually."



I walk through the garage to get in the house. I'm hoping that my mom doesn't hear me walk in. I slowly step up the stairs when I hear a voice.


Got damn it!

"Yes, mom!" I say, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

"Come back down here. You know I have to talk to you."

I turn around and go back downstairs. I walk into the kitchen where my mom is. She has her usual robe on.

"Deja, I'm sick of hearing about you fighting."

"Mom, I already told you about this fight. You've already given me a lecture."

"I hate your attitude."

"You hate everything. What's new?"

"I'm sick of it, Deja. Don't talk to me that way!"

"Does it really matter, mom? You hate me."

"I don't hate you."

"Does 'I can't wait until you're in college so I'll be done with you' ring a bell?"

"I just hate how you're going down a terrible path. I didn't raise a troublemaker."

"I got in one fight, mom. That doesn't mean I'm a troublemaker."

"You have to go to detention for three days."

"I've been to detention plenty of times. Why do you care now?"

"That was for truancy. That's practically nothing. You've been in two fights in the last week."

"Your point is?"

"If you get in another fight, I don't know what I'm going to do with you. Everything will be strict and tight," my mom says.

"Mmhmm, sure."

I believe that one of the reasons why my parents got divorced is because of her parenting style. My mom would always just let me do whatever I wanted when I was a kid. My dad hated that.

My parents tell me that the divorce had nothing to do with me, but I know that's a dead lie. Whenever they would fight, my name would come up on countless occasions. It was a great thing for a nine or ten-year-old to listen to.

One thing that I never quite figured out is why didn't my dad get custody of me if he cared so much about my upbringing? I try not to dwell on it because I don't want to be pissed at my dad.

On the other hand, I love to be pissed at my mom. It's just funny to see her do nothing. I know it sounds crazy, but I'm sick of my mom doing nothing. I'm proud of her for at least thinking about disciplining me if I do something else "wrong".

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