Ch. 45- I Said Too Much

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(Skip to Friday)

Deja's POV

I get off the bus while still getting stares from Ava. It's Friday, why can't she just be happy and not be caught up with what I'm doing?

I start my walk back home, but Ava interrupts it.

"Hey, Deja. I'm going somewhere tonight and I'm not coming back home until tomorrow. I told my mom that if I wasn't back by tonight, I'd be at your house." Ava says without making any eye contact.

Just because she's light skin doesn't give her status. She keeps acting like she's better than me.

"So, you're saying that if your mom asks anything, I should cover for you?"


"Why should I do that when you've been nothing but mean to me ever since you've been here?"

"I know that we don't like each other, but can we just get over that for today?" She asks desperately.

"Fine, but if my mom starts asking questions, we're screwed. Tell your mom that my mom's cell isn't working. Tell her to call the house if she needs anything."

"Okay, where's your phone?" Ava asks.

"In my purse, why?"

"You're going to need my number just in case something happens."

Okay, so maybe this girl is smart. Just a little. We exchange numbers and I put my phone back in my purse.

"Wait, what if your mom wants to come down to my house to make sure you're not lying?" I ask.

"At the moment, she's in France so, yeah."

"When is she coming back?"

"I don't know, Deja. Probably not within a week."

"Okay, where are you going anyway?"

"It's not like it's any of your business, but I'm going to Cynthia's house to celebrate me becoming a cheerleader."

I don't remember Tiara getting invited to Cynthia's house when she became a cheerleader.

"Why can't you just tell your mom that you're sleeping over her house?" I ask. "My mom wouldn't care if I said I was sleeping over a friend's house if they're a girl."

"My mom has to know every detail when it comes to friends. It's really embarrassing sometimes, but I always switch schools anyway."

Damn, she got bullied? Honestly, it makes a lot of sense. I don't think she's dealing with bullying the right way, but it is still bad.

"You were that embarrassed and made fun of that you switched schools?"

"No, I'm a military brat. My dad's in the Air Force."

I've been feuding with a girl whose father is in the military. If anyone in school finds out about this, I'll be more of an outcast than I already am.

"Oh." I say before walking home.

Actually, I'm sprinting. I come into the house out of breath.

"Usain Bolt could never." My mom says when I come in.

I've never really liked my mom, but ever since she told me that she's been dating a guy for a year, things just haven't been the same.

"Right." I say.

"Listen, I'm gonna be leaving today. I'll be back on Sunday."

"Sunday morning or Sunday afternoon?"

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