Ch. 8 - Tuesdays and Thursdays

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Deja's POV

"Don't worry about Cynthia and her friends. They're just some fake girls that have no substance," Cameron tells me.

"I'm not worrying about Cynthia and her friends. They're irrelevant," I lie.

Well, I'm not lying about the irrelevant part. I'm lying about not worrying.

"That's right. Well, I have to go get to class. I'll see you when the T.M.N.M. program starts, right?"

"Right," I reply, not sure if I'm lying or not.

I might go, but at the same time, the idea of that program depresses me. I should probably go. Or, I could just go to Mr. Davis and try to reason with him. All I want is to go to this program for just half the time. I'll just come up with an excuse for why I need to go to study hall.


"Mr. Davis, can I go to study hall during the program? I have a test and a project coming up and I need to prepare for it," I plead and lie in Mr. Davis' office.


"But, why?"

"The program is literally in an hour and you don't have the best track record when it comes to skipping. How will I know that you will actually be in study hall?"

"You can be in there the entire time. You will see me with my nose in a book or I'll be on the computer."

"OK, let's make a deal. I'll talk to Ms. Kits about only having the program on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but no promises. Now, leave and go back to your class," Mr. Davis says with an assertive tone.

I didn't ask for all that, but I'll take it. That means that I have the program tomorrow and then next week. This is a lifesaver.

For some reason, whenever I talk about the program to Cameron, he actually looks like he enjoys the program. Maybe that's not enjoyment, but neutrality on his face.

I push in my chair finally after being in shock for some minutes.

"Mr. Davis, I have a question."

"Go ahead."

"Does this count as service learning hours?"

"Deja, what are you talking about? Why would you think that this would count as service learning?"

"Well, I helped all those children that were in the program. Excuse my French, but I just saved their asses."

"Deja, I said that there were no promises. I have to talk to Ms. Kits first, so technically, you didn't save anyone's ... butt."

"C'mon, I know you wanna say ass. Ass ass ass ass ass ass ass stop. Now let that motherf-" I sing.

"Deja, get out of my office," He orders, slightly chuckling.

"Understandable, have a nice day," I leave the office and begin my journey back to class.

The hallways are clear, which is something I'm not used to. The hallways always have at least five people in it. Those five people consist of Cynthia and her group.

Those five people aren't in the hallway; very suspicious.

Thirty minutes later, I'm in class when an announcement is made.

Intercom: "All T.M.N.M. students, do not go to the program today. From now on, you will meet with Ms. Kits on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For the rest of the school days, you will have Spartan Hour."

I chuckle to myself at my seat. I wonder if it counts as service learning hours now that I actually have saved a couple asses. I should really go back to Mr. Davis and ask, but he would probably call me a smart ass.

Some more time passes before it's Spartan Hour. I walk to the study hall and grab a book once I'm in there. I don't even know what the book is about, but I need to give off the illusion that I'm actually doing something productive. I could be in the gymnasium watching Tiara practice her stunts and everything, but this is much more important.

I'm just in here to talk to David, like usual. I see him looking around so, I motion him to the table.

"What are you reading?" He asks me.

I look at the title of the book, but it just seems blurry. I don't know if my vision is handicapped or if the book is genuinely in a bad condition.

"I don't know. I can't read it," I say, closing the book and trying to squint at the title.

"The title is all torn up. That's why I asked what you were reading."

"So, I don't have to go to the dumb-ass program every day anymore, so that's nice," I say.

"Oh, how'd that happen?"

"I talked to Mr. Davis about it. At first, I was just going to get out of the program for today only, but he suggested that we'd only have the program on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So, that means that I get to have study hall three times a week."

"That means I get to see you more."

"Yep. I'm not saying that I missed you on Tuesday, but I want to see you for the full forty-five minutes of Spartan Hour, not just 25 minutes."

"Are you doing anything later on today? I'd love to get to see you outside of school. I just feel like everything is so forced in here."

"Same. I feel like I'm being watched or something."

"So, what do you say? We could do whatever you want," He says, anticipation obviously showing in his voice.

"I have work after I come home, so I have to decline. Hit me up on Friday or Saturday and I'm yours."

"Okay. Make sure you text me when you get home," He says as he grabs his things.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I have to go see someone. I may or may not be coming back."

Is he already being shady? We aren't even a thing yet. Before he officially leaves, I give him a little suspicious look.

He walks out and a familiar face comes in. It's Tiara. She comes in looking very panicky. She scans the room and once her eyes meet mine, she runs over as soon as she could.

"Deja, I need you."

"Tiara, why aren't you in the gym? You know your coach doesn't play that when it comes to cheer."

"Coach E already gave me permission to leave. Anyway, I need you."

"We've already established that. Why do you need me?"

"I've been having some ankle pain, so I don't know if I'm going to be able to go to tomorrow's after-school practice."

"How does this affect Deja?"

"Let me finish. I told Coach E that you can do stunts since you stopped being a gymnast a couple months ago and she was elated. So, she wants you to stay after tomorrow."

"Tiara, why'd you do that?"

"Because you're my best friend and I know that you'll do anything to help me out. If I don't do the stunts, Danielle will and you know that five times out of ten, she lands on something besides her feet. You're extremely good."

"But, Cynthia is a cheerleader."

"Cynthia isn't even that bad of a person when she isn't with her squad. She's a flyer, not a tumbler so, you two won't even be put in the same group. I'll be there too, but I'll be spectating. Now, can you please stay after tomorrow?"

At this point, do I even have a choice?


"That's my girl." Tiara hugs me and then tries to jog back to the gym.

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