Ch. 1 - The Life-Changing Fight

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^What Deja looks like^
(Also, disclaimer: I wrote this when I was thirteen so, if that doesn't say anything, I don't know what does)

Deja's POV

I sit next to my best friend, Tiara at the lunch table. It's only the second week of school and I feel like I want to drop out completely. The only thing that's motivating me is the reminder that this is my last year of high school. If I drop out now, I'll be considered weak.

"I got Spanish class next. It's a living hell in that classroom," I say, extremely exhausted.

"I don't know why you didn't take it when I did," Tiara says, opening up her bag of reduced fat chips.

"I thought it was going to be the easiest thing ever. Dora didn't prepare me for any of the stuff we're learning in that class," I say, trying to sip out of my milk.

"We can skip if you want to. I have free hour next period."

"But didn't you say that you wanted to go see a teacher regarding a grade or something?" I ask.

"Deja Delilah James, you need to stop worrying about me and my grades," She demands.

"Tiara Taylor Thompson, you need to start worrying about yourself and your grades," I say. "At the end of the year, you're not going to be able to graduate with me."

"That graduation is April's problem. Until April, I will stay the usual me," Tiara says, crossing her arms.

"April is literally one month before our graduation month," I remind.

"I know. I'm a master procrastinator so, I'll get my grades in check before then."

"And how well has that gone for you in the past?" I ask.

Tiara continues to cross her arms as she thinks of a lie.

"That was the old me. I am a new, born again Tiara," She lies.

"Since when did that happen, because I think I missed it," I say.

"Shut up Deja!" Tiara says with force. "Now, are we going to get out or not?"

"I'm eating my lunch right now, can it wait?" I ask while eating my almost inedible sandwich.

"If we leave now, we won't get caught by anyone. If we leave after you eat that inedible sandwich, then we will be caught," Tiara explains.

"I don't see the logic behind that, but OK," I get up and dump my tray.

We both walk out of the cafeteria and as soon as we do, we see a fight taking place in the hallway. It's Cameron Mills beating the brains out of someone. I don't know why I get so surprised every time he does this. He's known as the best fighter in the school.

What's even more surprising is there is no crowd of students spectating. Just Tiara and I are watching.

There's blood on the floor and it is not a pretty sight. Somehow, I have the urge to take out my phone and start filming it. Worldstar!!

From past experience, I know that filming a fight isn't the best idea. So, I just stand and watch all of the action unfold. I feel like I want to leave, but my feet are stuck to the floor.

I see Mr. Davis, the counselor coming, so I stop looking. Tiara had already left about two minutes into my viewing session, leaving me alone with Cameron and the poor boy he was beating up.

Mr. Davis breaks up the fight which reveals the boy's appearance. His face is practically oozing blood. Some of the blood on his face has already dried up a bit.

Cameron walks away bruise-free. Everyone knows not to mess with him because of the damage he can do. He's known to have an extremely bad temper, with even the slightest things ticking him off.

It's rumored that he doesn't have any friends because all of his friends graduated already. Apparently, Cameron is 19 going on 20. I would never know if those rumors are true or not. I don't know him personally.

I was so busy with staring at the fight that I completely forgot that class was in session. I'm abandoning the idea of skipping for today.

"Deja, please go to class," Mr. Davis yells.

Last time I checked, we were not on a first name basis. He does not know me like that.

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I'm going to try to update this regularly.

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