Ch. 3 - Troublemaker

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^What Tiara looks like^

Deja's POV


It's the end of the day and I'm so thankful for that. Today has been unexplainably stressful. With Mr. Davis and his little program, I'm getting major headaches. Add Cameron and you get a recipe to make Deja irritated for the rest of the school year.

What makes it even worse is, I didn't even do anything to be treated like a bad person. Mr. Davis can miss me with that accomplice mess. I know what an accomplice is, and I'm not one.

Just wait until I tell Tiara about this on the bus.

"Girl, you would never believe what happened," I say, hyping up the whole situation.

"What happened? Tell me all the details." Tiara scoots closer to me a little.

"So, you know that fight that we saw with Cameron and that other boy?" I ask.

"Yeah. Cameron was really working on that face."

"Well, Mr. Davis said that the boy that got the mess beat out of him named me as an accomplice in the fight. Now, I have to be in a little program for delinquents." I raise my hands then plop them back down.

"Why would Mr. Davis do that?" Tiara asks with a disgusted face.

"Apparently, it's because I watched the fight, but didn't go to anyone for help."

"Why would they put you in a program though?" Tiara asks, the same face displayed from before.

"I don't know, Tiara. All I really know and care about is, Cameron will be in the program with me. At least I won't be completely alone."

"I can get in trouble right now. You don't have to be alone." Tiara says, causing me to panic on the inside.

"No, Tiara you cannot do that. Your record is more jacked than mine. You don't need the extra offenses."

"No Deja, I can do that. I can literally strip butt naked and then walk off the bus and walk around. It's not that hard." Tiara lifts her shoulders.

"I'm not challenging your ability to do risky things. Your riskiness is the reason why we're sitting on the bus today."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Tiara scratches her head.

"You couldn't have forgotten the tickets you got for speeding and reckless driving."

"I do not recall. That is invalid information," she says, clearing her throat while continuing to scratch her head.

"OK, so suddenly you have memory loss?" I ask, rubbing my chin.

"Yes, honestly, truly."

Tiara is a wild card. Sometimes she says something that is inspiring and eye-opening. Sometimes she says things that will make you wonder what's wrong with her.

Besides that, she's pretty average. She's average height and has short black hair. The only thing that differentiates Tiara and me from the general population is our skin color.

What a messed up high school.

"Anyway, are you actually going to go to the program?" Tiara asks me.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do?" I ask, slightly hoping that Tiara would suggest an alternative.

"You can skip. Duh, that's always how we get out of our sticky situations." She suggests.

"Oh true," I say, my face lighting up.

I'm mad at myself for not coming up with that. It's the obvious thing to do. It may not be the best thing to do, but hey, this program is a bunch of fake news. Mr. Davis might tell me to go, but he can't make me go.

"Sometimes, I just don't what goes on in your head," Tiara says, shaking her head.

"Sometimes, I don't know what goes on in your head. T, have you heard yourself speak?" I ask.

Tiara's expression fades. "You're always so mean to me." She says, attacking me with her purse.

"Stop it. You do way too much." I manage to say while covering my head.

"Say you're sorry for what you said." She says, softening her hits.

"OK, I'm sorry."

Tiara's face lights up from my words.

"That you can't filter your ideas properly," I say, preparing myself for more hits.

Tiara resumes hitting me. It doesn't hurt, but it sure is annoying as hell.


I walk into the house feeling pretty great. That feeling continues until I hear hollering going on. Like always, it's my mom.

"Why was the school calling me, talking about your attendance?" She asks.

She literally just answered her question within the question, but oh well.

"Well, I don't know what to say. You kind of answered your own question." I say.

Anger increases in her eyes as I try to analyze the situation.

"Just wait till I tell your dad." She says, digging in her purse.

My mom and dad are divorced, but they're still close. Despite this, my dad only knows things about me and my school life when it's serious.

"It's really not that serious. You don't need to tell him. It's just attendance it's not a big deal."

"Don't you think it's a big deal when you get put in a program?" She asks with her hands on her hips.

Dang! She knows about this stupid program.

I guess I have to go now.

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