Ch. 13 - Game Day

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Tiara's POV (switchin it up)

(Next Day)

"I'm so done with all of these hoes around here," Deja says while sitting on the bus.

"I don't know why you pay attention to Cynthia and them so much. You shouldn't even waste any brainpower on them," I say.

"Well, I was trying to ignore them, but you see where that went," She says, pointing to her cheekbone.

"You're so overdramatic. You can't even see it that much. At the end of the day, you got Cynthia good."

"I didn't even want to lay a finger on her. I don't want to fight. I want to go back to the days when I was known for skipping class and skipping class only."

So, last week?

"Don't worry about it. Just focus on today's game. Afterwards, you can go home and listen to Melanie Martinez like I know you want to," I advise.

"I do want to listen to some Melanie Martinez, but I have to worry. When Mr. Davis finds out, I'll probably be told that I can't cheer at the game."

"Mr. Davis has probably looked at the cameras and saw that you didn't start it."

"Tiara, do you understand how this county's school system works? Even if I did it in self-defense, I could still get detention or suspension."

Everyone seems to have it out for Deja lately, and I'm not having it. Deja used to be so "I don't care", but now she's so "I do care." I need to get my best friend back. I need to get my Deja back and I'm pretty sure she's being influenced by a boy. Of course, teens talk, but there can be some truth in what some of these teens say.

As far as I know, she's been talking with two boys lately. They both are known for bad things. David "the Devil" James and the school's fighter, Cameron Mills.


Deja's POV

I walk into the school, prepared for the absolute worst. I already know Mr. Davis and everyone else is going to be up my ass all day. People love drama, I swear to God.

I walk down the hallway in order to get to my locker. Everyone moves out the way. Everyone stops talking and they look at my every move.

"Go on to what you were doing. I'm nothing special," I mumble while walking.

Apparently, my mumble can be heard by some of the people. Soon, everyone goes to their classes. I go to the bathroom to stall because I'm not ready to face David.

I walk in only to see Cynthia; not Cynthia and them, but just Cynthia.

"I guess you got me good yesterday," She says while putting on some makeup.

"Yeah, I'm sorry that I wrote that stupid thing on my desk. If I didn't do that, none of this would be happening."

"Well, it showed me how my friends really are. When I hit the ground, they ran. They threw the first punch, not me just to be clear."

"I know. Based on the direction and everything, I knew you didn't do it."

"Yeah, they were the ones that saw the message on the desk. They just informed me of it and encouraged me to get even. I'm sorry about the way things went."

"I'll accept your apology," I say before leaving the bathroom to go to English Literature.

I walk into the class and sit in my usual seat in the back. Cameron and David are here already. Since I sit in between them, I can definitely feel some tension.

"So, the date is on for tomorrow, right?" David asks.


"We're going to get ice cream."

"So, this is what you were so stubborn to tell me? Ice cream?"

"To be honest, yesterday in trigonometry I had no idea what I was going to do. I just knew it was probably going to be cliché. If you don't like that, there are other girls that would like it, or at least not complain."

"I'm not complaining, I'm just surprised. I'm fine with ice cream or anything else related to food."


I walk out of the class once the bell rings. I tell David to continue without me since Cameron wants to talk to me.

"I thought you were supposed to be going on a date today," He says.

"I was supposed to, but I have to be a fake-ass bitch at tonight's football game instead."

"Oh, since when do you cheer?"

"You don't know everything about me. I used to be a gymnast for 11 years. My friend who is a cheerleader, hurt her ankle so she can't cheer. She's the person that does all the flips and everything so, when she needed a fill-in, my name was brought up."

"Oh I see, but are you gonna be able to cheer?"

"What do you mean?"

"I heard that you whooped Cynthia's ass yesterday after school."

"I didn't even whoop her ass. I punched the bitch. People are always exaggerating. Out of all people, I thought that maybe you would be able to talk to the source before you make assumptions, but you're just as bad as everyone else," I say, walking away fiercely.

This football game needs to hurry up and come because I'm going to be shading people all day from a bad mood. I know that my mood won't be too bad if I'm at a football game.


"Everyone, sit down in the stands," Coach E orders before continuing.

"Whenever we make a touchdown, say the Southview cheer. While that's happening, Deja, can you do some cartwheels?"

I nod in response. "Yes."

"Now, enjoy the game, but don't enjoy it too much. Remember that the halftime show is important."

Everyone nods. I'm gonna be talking to Tiara this entire time. Football is kind of interesting, but our team is mediocre. We lose some and win some. We'll never go to the playoffs, but we never finish last in the county.

"You will not believe what happened while I was in the bathroom this morning," I say.

"Give me all the tea."

"Cynthia apologized for herself and on the rest's behalf."

"That's unreal."

"Right, but now she's all alone and everything. She said that she knows that her clique doesn't have her back, so why have a clique?"

"True. Did you get in trouble though?"

"Surprisingly, no. I was waiting for that one announcement that said 'Deja James, go to Mr. Davis's office.' the whole day."

"Well, that's good."

After talking about how some of the boys on the field look fine for I don't know how long, it's halftime. Everyone gets into their rows. Time to chant the Spartans cheer.

"Yes, yes, you and you, you can't mess with Southview. We can say it once we can say it twice, the Southview Spartans will never play nice. Woo!"

Everyone goes into their groups. I do what I need to do with the back handsprings and tucks. Everyone in the stands goes crazy when they see me do a 1 and a half twist.

I do some straddle jumps and tucks alongside Danielle, the girl who Tiara said was a bad tumbler. Cynthia looks annoyed because of all the attention I'm drawing. No one is really paying attention to whatever she's doing. Now, my job is officially done, so I become a backup spot for the flyer.

I'm not needed though as everything goes as planned. No one falls or slips. Now, I will never have to be a cheerleader again. And most importantly, Coach E won't yell at us.

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