Ch. 51- More Confessions

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Ava's POV

I close the door, practically slamming it. To be honest, a visit from Deja wouldn't be that bad, but the timing isn't great. My opinion of Deja has changed a little since my dad's recent death. A day or two before the military broke the news, we received news that he'd been injured.

And I mean, badly injured.

That particular news made me really change my opinion. I don't have the time to hate anyone. When I die, I want people to think of me in a positive light. I don't want anyone to spit on my grave.

You know what, maybe I should open the door. Life's too short to mope around.

I walk up to my closed door, hoping that my mom didn't tell Deja to go on and leave yet. Once I open up the door, I see my mom's expression lighten up. Deja's face is the same as before; slightly confused.

"So, has someone changed their mind?" My mom asks.

"Sure." I say before grabbing Deja and yanking her into my room.

My mom walks off and Deja looks at me like I'm crazy. It honestly looks like she's having a very painful flashback.

"What was that for?" She asks once she gets herself together.

"Don't worry about it too much."

"Why the sudden change?"

"I'm trying to be nicer to people. You are on the list of people that I'm trying to be nicer to."

"Okay?" She says. "What do you want to do then?"

"I don't know. Obviously, I wasn't informed about you coming here beforehand, so I didn't plan anything."

"We could just talk if you want to."

"Talk about something related to my dad or anything in general?"

"Whatever you want to talk about."

"Well, my life feels like it's falling apart so, that's pretty cool."

Deja looks at me like I'm crazy again. "Pretty cool?"

"Well, I've never felt like this before so, it's a new experience."

"I hated when I felt like that."

"You're just trying to sympathize with me. Your life is pretty perfect."

Deja's POV

I know she didn't just say that my life is perfect.

I laugh. "My life is the farthest thing from."

"From what I hear, you're known in the school. Plus, you have Cameron as a plus one. Sounds pretty A-list to me."

"First of all, Cameron and I aren't even dating. Second, I am known, but for all the wrong reasons. I'm not A-lister at all."

"Cameron looks smitten with you." She asks. "Why isn't he dating you?"

"I honestly don't know why. He claims it's because he doesn't want to ruin me, but I don't know what he's talking about when he says that."

"Well, he'll be missing out if he doesn't do anything."

Ok, I know that Ava is trying to be a better person due to recent circumstances, but this is just plain weird to me. Ava is probably being genuine, but her nice attitude just weirds me out.


"I know it sounds weird to say that, but you're a pretty girl. That's the reason why I've been such a bitch to you. I targeted Cameron because I knew it would get on your nerves."

"Even on that day in IHOP?"

"Yeah, anyone can see that you have blantant feelings for Cameron."

"It's that obvious?"

"Yes, now stop questioning everything I say."

"Sorry, force of habit."

(Next Day)

I feel a head rest on my shoulder. I will never get why people stay up until 3 when they know the bus comes at 6. If people could just go to sleep like they're supposed to, there wouldn't be any annoyed people in the world, aka me at this exact moment.

I don't get my sleep once every month, but you don't see me sleeping on someone's shoulder. Personally, I just can't sleep on a stranger's shoulder.

The bus arrives at the school shortly. I get up and watch the head hit the seat. I should probably wake them up, but what would be the fun in that? They'll probably wake up when they hit their head hard enough on the seat.

I get off and look for Cameron. Even though I'm probably not going to talk to him, I still want to look for him. Petty Deja is in full force today, like always. Instead of focusing on just being petty, I should probably tell David about my mom wanting to meet him.

You know, I should actually be productive today.

When I walk up to the entrance, I see Cameron out the corner of my eye. He glances at me before continuing to the entrance.

Ok, I see that Cameron has learned some petty lessons from me. I should start charging. I know that I'm the one who started this whole ignoring thing, but it's killing me. I just can't let him walk right in front of me without saying anything.

I guess I am a true representation of the phrase "dish it but can't take it".

Sure, I am hypocritical sometimes, but that's just the way I am.

"Hey, why aren't you talking to me?" I ask, prompting him to turn around.

"Well, you said that you basically wanted me to stay in my own lane. I also remember hearing you say that we would never be as close as we were."

"Just because I said that doesn't mean that we should stop being friends altogether."

"Well, you were being kind of cut off, disconnected, and confrontational so, I got the hint that I wasn't wanted."

"Well, didn't you want this to happen? Didn't you want me to not get 'ruined' by you, or something like that?"

"I didn't say to completely ignore me, Deja."

"Then, tell me what you want me to do. You want me to be wary of you, but then you want us to talk. I'm honestly confused."

"I'm confused too."

I see David out the corner of my eye. I go walk towards him because Cameron isn't making any sense. Lately, he hasn't been making much sense. I think it's because he likes me and he doesn't know what to do with the feelings.

It's an excuse, but not a plausible one. I don't really know what to do with the feelings, but I still made the leap. I still took the initiative to try and get a relationship set up.

David's words interrupt my thoughts.

"What did you say?" I ask for clarification.

"I said, are you excited about Homecoming?"

"Oh, sure." I lie. "My mom wants to meet with you before next Saturday though."

"So, trial 2?"

"Yes, if you don't do anything to mess anything up."

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This chapter was done in the span of 3 days during my one hour long trips to and from school.

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