Ch. 2 - The Office

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^What Cameron looks like^

Deja's POV

I'm sitting in Spanish class, trying to learn something related to conjugation. I can never seem to pay attention in this class. I don't know why. Whenever I'm in the class, I just stare at the clock on the wall or, I sneak out my phone.

So, it's a lifesaver when the phone rings. My Spanish teacher, Mrs. Garcia answers the phone. While she's talking, she stares at me the entire time.

"Deja, please report to the counselor's office. You can take your things for the next period if you want," She says before putting the phone back in its spot.

The room fills with "oohs" as I grab my things. You would think people that are about to be in college would be more mature, but you'd be wrong. I leave the room and head over to the counselor's office.

It's not that far from my class, but I've been called down to the office so many times that I know both long and short ways to get there. Like always, I choose the long way. I reach the office eventually and open up the door.

Mr. Davis and Cameron sharply turn their heads once I walk in. It's obvious that they were waiting until I arrived.

"So, late again aren't we?" Mr. Davis sarcastically asks.

"I had to take an emergency reroute to the nearest bathroom," I lie.

Mr. Davis smiles at my wording while Cameron still looks unaffected. Does this guy have any emotions?

"Like when you had to leave the school during the fourth period due to an emergency?" Mr. Davis sarcastically asks.

"Precisely," I cross my legs.

"OK, so you two were both involved in the fight this morning, right?" Mr. Davis asks.

"Mr. Davis, I was not involved in a fight," I say.

"Well, Connor said that you were," Mr. Davis says.

"Who's Connor?" I ask.

"It was the sophomore that was getting beaten up by Cameron," Mr. Davis says, pointing to Cameron.

Cameron responds by clenching his jaw. I change my mind about him having no emotions. He displays anger at all times.

"Problem solved, right? We know that Cameron beat him up so, Deja can leave," I say, grabbing my things.

"Deja can stay," Mr. Davis points to the chair that I was currently out of. "We need to get this situation figured out."

"There is no situation to figure out. I didn't fight Connor. You can look at my record and see that I don't fight," I say.

"Well there's a first time for everything and this case, it's your first time. Connor named you as an accomplice," Mr. Davis explains.

"An accomplice?" I ask.

"An accomplice is a person who actively participates in a crime, even if they take no part in the actual criminal offense," Cameron says without turning his head to look at me.

At least he could've had the decency to look at me while he was talking to me.

"What did you say?" Cameron says through gritted teeth.

Please don't tell me that I said that aloud. I'm too young to die.

"What did you think I said?" I bravely ask.

Cameron gets up from his chair, causing me to panic a little on the inside. His 6'3" stature towers over me.

"OK, let's settle down," Mr. Davis tries to mediate. "Now Deja, can you please apologize to Cameron?"

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