Ch. 10 - David the Devil

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Deja's POV


I walk out of Trigonometry with my head up high when the bell rings. I heard the excuse that David gave me. Basically, the girl cheated on him, so he cheated on her. I get why he did it, but he should've done something else to show that he was the bigger person.

He either should've broken up with the girl once he found out, or he should've confronted the girl about it. If you cheat too, that just makes you as bad as the person that cheated on you. What is so bad about breaking up with a person just to be with another person? Cheating just doesn't make sense to me.

I walk to my next class faster than I normally do. Usually, I walk with David to my next class, but his voice is a tad bit annoying right now.

"Deja, wait," I hear his voice behind me.

"Don't 'Deja, wait' me. I don't want to talk to you right now."

"Please, Deja. I know you're mad and everything, but I still like you. I only cheated that one time and I regret it. I will never do that to you, I promise."

"Everyone regrets a bad thing after they see the damage that's been done because of it. What am I going to be after this is all said and done, another pack of damaged goods?"

"Deja," He says as he grabs my arm, forcing my legs to stop moving.

He looks into my eyes and says, "Deja, I said that I wouldn't do it again. You're the only person that's important to me right now. I truly regret what I did and if you don't believe me, then that's on you."

"I'll text you later," I say through clenched teeth.

He lets go of my arm and my hand goes to the area that he grabbed. He walks to his class, which is the opposite of the direction that I was walking.

David has strength that I did not expect. Tears want to spill out of my eyes again, but I'm not going to cry in the hallway. I'm not going to cry over a boy.


The bell rings, meaning that it's Spartan Hour. I walk past the study hall on my way to the auditorium. The whole time, See You Again by Charlie Puth and Wiz Khalifa is playing in my mind.

Maybe I should just look into the gym or study hall. You know, just to get a little taste of freedom; the freedom that I won't have for forty-five. Yet again, Mr. Davis's disappointed and stern glare keeps flashing in my head.

Damn you, Mr. Davis.

I walk inside of the auditorium and Cameron is already sitting in there. Ms. Kits isn't in here yet, which is surprising. I sit down beside Cameron, considering that we're not on bad terms anymore.

"Look who's early," He smirks.

"Yep, it's Deja. That's supposed to be surprising right?"

"Yes, because you're known for being late. You're not supposed to be on time or early."

"Is that really all that I'm known for? Nobody cares about my attendance," I scoff a little.

"I know that you're in a pool of rumors and you can't figure out how to swim out of it. I know what you're going through."

"What are you talking about? All the rumors that I hear about you are true."

"How do you know that they're true? Was it off your own evaluation or some bullshit that someone fed you?"

"But, the bullshit isn't bullshit."

He gets in my face and my breathing becomes irregular. "Tell me, Deja. How the fuck do you know?"

"I don't know, Cameron. Do you want a cookie now?"

Cameron sits back down and resumes his usual sitting position. "It's not true."

"What's not true?"

"Everything they say about you and I. You may be known for everything because of me, but everything isn't true," He says, making it obvious that he means every last word.

I simply inhale and exhale. I don't really know what to say at this point. There just seems to be an invisible divider between us and our seats.

"It's not bad to get some help. It's not bad to be vulnerable for a couple of seconds," he says.

"Why do you care? Why do you care about what hurts me or not?"

"I don't hate you and I don't want you to think that I do. I wouldn't want to see you hurt."

"I see what this is, you like me," I say, crossing my arms, feeling accomplished.

"Deja, I don't like you like that. You can believe me on that. Plus, aren't you going out with David's dumb-ass?"

"I haven't officially gotten together with him yet. We're supposed to be having a date tomorrow, but I don't even know anymore. David's not dumb, but he sure can be an ass."

"What'd he do? Is he already acting shady?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't act dumb, Deja. I know you don't only hear the rumors about yourself."

"They call him David the Devil for a reason. They-"

I cut him off. "Why?"

"If you let me finish, maybe I could tell you why."

I mouth a sorry and he continues.

"They call him that because he's a manipulative, no-good cheater that seems to always have an alternative motive. He never dates girls for the obvious reasons."

"Is that based on your own evaluation or some bullshit that someone fed you?" I ask, crossing my arms once again for using his own quote against him.

"I like what you did there and it's based on my own evaluation. Despite this, it looks like he might like you a little more than the usual girls that he dates."

I feel flattered but at the same time, I'm pissed. How can David lie to my face like that? He said that he was done with his cheating and everything, but it's obvious that I'm just going to be another girl that helps the "David the Devil" case.

"I can't believe that he lied to me," I say with disappointment present in my voice.

I'm not emotional or anything, but I sure have been getting the urge to cry a bunch of times. I know I'm not PMSing.

Cameron inhales and exhales before opening his mouth as if he's waiting to say something. Almost on cue, Ms. Kits walks in. Cameron closes his mouth as she walks down the aisle.

"Okay, everyone. Today we'll be focusing on the communication part of the program. We're already running behind so, we need to get started," she says in her usual peppy attitude. "As we all know, a sense of community is important if you want to get over your respective problems. Today, we'll be building that sense of community right here in this auditorium."

"Can she just stop talking and just get to the point?" Cameron whispers.

"I know right, I'm dying over here," I whisper back.

"Right now, write your phone number on a piece of paper. Give it to a person in this auditorium," Ms. Kits says.

"That's stupid, but I guess that I'll give you my number,"I say, passing the paper to Cameron.

"You're the only person in this auditorium that I really talk to, so I have no choice," he says, giving me his number.

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