Ch. 4 - Program

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^What David looks like^

Deja's POV

(Next Day)

I hop off the bus, but I want to go back on. I seriously do not want to go to this program. I swear Southview High School is so unfair. I'm so sick of this whole school. This whole state. This whole city. Alexandria, Virginia has nothing for me. I want to live in Maryland with my dad.

I walk inside of the school really slowly. Wait, I just remembered something. The program doesn't start until almost the end of the day. That means my slow walking is practically pointless because it doesn't delay anything.

As I walk through the hallways, people point at me and murmur. Through all my years of high school, this has never happened. I'm a generally neutral person so, no one has a reason to dislike me.

"Oh my god, that was the girl with Cameron in that fight," I hear one girl try to whisper.

I swear, people can't whisper these days.

I don't know if people are afraid of me or mad at me. I'm thinking that they're afraid of me because the mere thought of being associated with Cameron strikes fear into everyone. I wouldn't mind this new fame that much if it wasn't for fighting. I don't fight and anyone that knows me knows that.

As I walk into Trigonometry class, Mr. Smith looks at me with a face of surprise.

"Someone's early," He says, sipping some coffee from his mug.

"I'm on time, but thanks for acknowledging my change."

"Hopefully, this change will be permanent. It's not good to be missing so much of my class. Trigonometry is a difficult concept to grasp especially when you're not here."

I want to laugh because what he said was too funny. Nobody can really change.

"I know it's difficult, but I wouldn't get used to this behavior if I were you," I say with all honesty. "My grades are fine right now, so I don't really see a problem with what I'm doing."

"Well, I appreciate your honesty Deja, but this is a destructive path that you're going on. In the long run, your attendance is equally as important as your academics. Your grades can change in a heartbeat if you're not here. Plus, it's only the second week of school. Barely any grades have been put in."

Way to raise my spirits, Mr. Smith. I walk away from his desk and sit at mine. My desk is all the way in the back of the class, but I'm not alone. I have David.

"Hi, Deja," David says from his desk.

David and I have a complicated relationship. We're not friends, but we're not frenemies or enemies. We say stuff to each other that doesn't even really make sense. I guess you can say that we just know each other. It all happened when Mr. Smith sorted the seating arrangement by alphabetical order. David and I both have the last name of James, but we look very different.

David is white, has blue eyes and most importantly, a sharp jawline. Man, I like jawlines. He has brown hair and always has a daunting look. If I didn't know better, I would think that David was the bad boy of Southview, not Cameron.

At the same time, I've always viewed David to be a nerd for the year and a half that I've known him. Yet, he can't be a nerd at Southview if he says hello to the class black girl.

"Hi, David."

"Do you think that I can get the homework from last class?"

"We're literally in trigonometry. Why couldn't you get it yesterday?"

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