Ch. 35- Studying

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^Cameron's floor plan^

(Skip to Friday)

Deja's POV

I get off the bus, walk to my house and get the mail. While walking up the driveway, I flip through the mail. My mom always tells me that I shouldn't look at her mail, but I do. What she doesn't know won't hurt her.

I open the garage and the Toyota is gone. Man, I have to get used to that. Two days ago, my mom decided to go on a trip to Ocean City. She told me that I couldn't go with her because of school and everything. Then, she went on to guilt me and point fingers at me by saying, "if your attendance wasn't so jacked, you could come with me."

She took the Toyota to make sure that I won't leave the house while she's gone. However, my mom forgot one simple thing. She left her Audi keys on the table.

She sure would hate it if someone named Deja James just so happened to grab the keys, put them in her purse and drive off to a boy's place of residence.

Whoops, the keys are falling into my purse.

I hop in the car for the first time. It still has it's new car smell. Deja, it's only been two weeks since your mom got the car, of course it would still smell brand new.

I put in the address that Cameron gave me a couple days ago and drive off.


Cameron lives in an apartment, but this place looks extra fancy. There's a gate that I have to punch in a code for in order to even get to the front desk. Then, when I'm at the front desk, I have to say who I am, where I'm going and who I'm seeing.

I get that Alexandria is a city and everything, but this neighborhood is one of the best neighborhoods. Are two measures of security really that necessary?

While I'm walking to the elevator, I look around the lobby. It's really spacious and kinda breathtaking. I've never seen a place associated with apartments look like this.

I get in the elevator, push his floor button and patiently wait to reach that floor. I leave the elevator, walk to his unit and knock on the door.

Shortly, a shirtless Cameron opens the door. I feel like I could just melt. That six pack is just so...Deja, don't get distracted. You did not come here for that reason.

"I said, come in." Cameron says, snapping me out of my wild thoughts. (aye)

I blink hard and walk in his apartment.

I didn't even know that Cameron was talking. I need to get my grip on this boy.

At least I know what he looks like shirtless now.

"What'd you say?" Cameron asks, a smile starting to form.

Oh fuck, someone kill me already.

"Nothing, I said nothing." I say, resisting the urge to blush.

"I spilled something on my shirt so, I had to take it off. I'll just go and put on another shirt." He walks away to what I think is his bedroom.

Or he could take off someth...Deja, stop! You're doing it again.

I need Jesus.

"Yeah, you can do that." I calmly say, sitting down on the couch in his living room.

His apartment is really nice and has a luxurious yet comfortable feel. I'm not surprised that his color scheme is black and gray.

I turn on the TV that's hung on the wall across from me. It's crazy how I've only been here for a minute and I already feel at home.

MTV is already on, playing Catfish. Does he watch MTV?

Cameron walks in and takes the remote from me before sitting beside me on the couch.

"You can't study if you're watching TV." He says, putting the remote back on the table.

"Well, if you weren't watching MTV, I wouldn't have been distracted."

"Catfish was on, okay?" He says, running his hand through his soft brown hair.

I really wanna touch it.

"You sure that you weren't watching Teen Wolf?"

"No, you watch that show, not me. I only watch MTV for three things. Those three things are Catfish, Scream and-"

"Oh my God, I love Scream!" I say, hitting his thigh repeatedly.

"Can you please stop assualting my thigh so I can finish my list?" He says, removing my hand from his thigh. "And, I watch Wild 'N Out, but that comes on MTV2 so, I guess that doesn't count."

"My main favorites are Scream, Teen Wolf, 16 and Pregnant, Teen Mom, Teen Mom 2, Catfish-" I list before he cuts me off.

"I think you could just save time by googling MTV tv shows and listing all of them."

"No, I don't like Siesta Key."

"That's one tv show, Deja."

"Your point is?"

"I see why you're struggling with math."

I know he didn't just say that. I get that I have no common sense sometimes and my logic is way off, but did he need to acknowledge that though?

"Well, at least I didn't fail it."

"Touché, we should really get started though."

I grab my book bag and pull out my homework.


"And, I'm done." I say while completing the last problem.

"See, it's not that hard. You just need to focus on it instead of rushing. It's better to be correct than fast."

"Whatever. That only took thirty minutes anyway."

"Yeah, it's only 4:30." Cameron says, looking at the time on his phone.

"You should give me a tour of this fabulous place." I suggest.

"I wouldn't call it fabulous, but OK."

He gets up and shows me around.

"So, here's the kitchen where I heat up things and try to cook."

"Try to cook?"

"Yes, I'm not a cook."

He walks over to his bedroom next. It looks nice and well-kept. Definitely not something I was expecting from a 19-year old male.

"This is my bedroom where I sleep."

"No shit, Cameron."

"Well, I do other things in my bedroom, but I don't want your virgin ears to hear it."

A girl like me can only imagine.

While walking back to the living room, I see another bedroom.

"You have two bedrooms." I walk into the second room, causing Cameron to stop walking.

As I go through the room, I can't help but get a feeling. A jealous feeling. It looks like a girl has been in here more than one time.

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Thanks for over 20k reads, I really appreciate it. Also, the book was #94 so thanks for that too.

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