Ch. 22 - A Total Regret

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Deja's POV

He unbuttons my pants, not breaking the kiss. I don't want any of this to happen, but I can't bring myself to say stop or anything like that. Something is holding me back from saying anything. All I know is I have to stop this before something I regret happens.

"Stop," I say. I don't know if I'm loud or not. Everything is just distorted.

He takes off my pants and my heart rate increases.

"Stop, David," I say, louder than I did last time.

He looks at me with a sinister smirk, but he doesn't stop.

I'm already regretting everything that has happened already. I'm not ready for him to take my v-card yet. Especially when we haven't even been dating for a full week.

He's about to slip his hand in my underwear when I grab it.

"David, I can't do this."

"Why not?"

"I'm a virgin."

"It only hurts at first, then you get used to it."

I have a flashback to yesterday when my mom was talking to me about boys.

"Don't listen to them when they say it'll only hurt a little."

Even though I don't like my mom, she does know a thing or two. Even if my mom didn't tell me that, I would still know not to give it up that easy. He's gonna have to put in overtime if he wants it that bad.

I quickly sit up and put my pants back on.

"I don't care. I don't want it to happen right now. We should have a few months under the relationship and then I'll think about it," I say.

"That's fair. I feel like such an idiot. I'm sorry, Deja. My dad didn't raise me to treat a girl like that. He would punch me if he saw what I was going to do with you," he says, chuckling.

"It's okay," I say even though I want to slap the shit out of him.

"No, it's not. Before my dad died two years ago, I would bring around a new girl every couple of months. He would always get on me about not being a manwhore. Now here I am thinking about having sex with you when we haven't even been dating for a week."

Wait, why'd he use present tense? If he was truly sorry about sexually assaulting me, he would stop thinking about having sex with me.

"Deja, I'm gonna be honest with you. If you didn't stop me, I probably wouldn't have stopped. I mean, I just really like you and I couldn't control myself," he says, scratching his head.

"I said it's okay."

Not really, but for now I'll let it slide. If I let all the anger I have for him out, I probably won't have a ride to get home. Instead, I will temporarily repress my feelings so that I will have a ride home. I'm a smart girl. Tomorrow is a whole other story.

"Well, we have a solid 40-45 minutes left before you need to get home, so what do you want to do?" He asks.

"I really just want to go home," I say with full honesty.

"Already? We can play a video game or something."

I want to ask what video game, but I need to keep a strong front. I need to let him know that he can't just change my mind like that.

"No, I just wanna go home," I say.

"Okay, can I just get one kiss before we get on the road?" He asks.

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