Ch. 30- Bad Thoughts

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^This song really captures the whole tone of this chapter.^

Deja's POV

I just love to eat chicken wings. I mean, there's no way to sugarcoat that fact about me. Chicken wings are just so convenient. In this case, they're convenient for drawing out all the noise around you.

I'm hiding in my bedroom currently, eating chicken wings and fries to distract me from what's happening downstairs. I feel like I'm 10 again. This isn't supposed to be how today works.

I hear the front door slam, meaning that my dad has officially fled the scene. Next, I expect my mom's head to peer in and for her to say, "we had a fight, but just know that it wasn't about you.", despite hearing my name come up several times in the whole ordeal.

I wonder why my mom lies to me so much. She always says that she does it for my own good, but that's just another lie. If she really wanted only the best for me, she wouldn't have cut me off a few minutes ago when I was trying to say something.

The whole reason why my parents were just fighting is because of that. Yes, that one cut-off sentence caused a whole fight between my parents that lasted a good five minutes.

I actually think that my dad came over because of an announcement he had, but now I'll never know.

I need to stop eating and go to sleep like I always do. This day has been shitty enough, I don't need something to happen to make it worse.

I walk into the school, but it's empty. What the fuck is going on? I walk into the senior hall like usual. Before I know it, Cameron, dressed in all black pushes me against the wall and starts kissing me.

I don't push him off of me or anything as he continues. I simply stand against the wall and receive everything. Then, he whispers something.

"If you want me to, I can threaten your safety."


In the next scene, I'm lying on a blood puddle with several wounds on my body. One of the biggest crossing my neck. Cameron's right in front of me, wielding a knife dripping in blood; my blood. The blood drips, adding volume to the puddle.

My white dress is stained with dark red while nothing shows up on Cameron's clothes.

I wake up in a sweaty mess.

I check my sheets just to make sure that there isn't any blood on them. You know those dreams where you pee in that dream and you pee in the real life? Yeah, I was checking for that.

I grab a pen and a journal to write down everything I can remember about my dream. I forget a lot of my dreams, but I have a good feeling that this one will always be in my mind.

This isn't my first time having a dream like this, which is honestly kinda worrying and disturbing. In those other dreams, I could easily get out of the dream and I was aware that it was a dream.

With this one, everything felt so real and when I tried to wake up, I felt trapped. I could feel the knife slice my throat as cold air hit it. I could feel Cameron's lips, or what I think they would feel like.

It wasn't a nice feeling, minus the kissing part. I check my phone and I have a message from Cameron.

Cam-bam-damn-slam: Hey.

I read the message, but I don't reply to it. I know it may sound silly, but I think I'm just gonna stay away from Cameron for a little while.

I know that dreams are just dreams, but I also know that some dreams can serve as foreshadowing. I know that he probably won't hurt me like he did in the dream. I'm more weary of the kissing part of the dream.

Don't get me wrong, Cameron is one of the most attractive people that I've had the privilege to have a conversation with. Every time I talk to him, I have the urge to touch his hair, but I would never think to have a relationship with him. Right now, a relationship with anyone freaks me out.

What freaks me out more is that I remember his lips more than I remember him killing me.

I wish that I had somebody to talk to about my dream so I can try and make sense of it, but I have no one. Well, I have Cameron, but you can see why I can't talk to him at the moment.

(A Few Hours Later)

Cam-bam-damn-slam: How are you gonna read but not respond?

I see the message pop up on the lock screen of my phone, but I don't bother to unlock my phone. I turn my phone off and go back to sleep to escape again.

I'm in my bathroom, ready to take a bath. I'm lying in the bathtub when I see the clear water turning red. I start crying and look to the left of me. There's a bloody knife slipping in by the bathtub side. I sink into the water as soon as I glance at the knife.

My mom walks into the bathroom and pulls me out of the tub, repeatedly screaming, "Deja, Deja, get up!"

I sit up from my bed and I can feel a dip. My mom's sitting on my bed.

"What were you dreaming about?" She asks.

"Nothing, why?"

"You were crying profusely and kept saying my name."

I get the crying part, but in my dream, my mom was saying my name, not the other way around.

"Anyway, lunch is ready if you want it." She gets off my bed and leaves my room.

I wipe some of my tears and take the covers off me. I think I'm done with Cameron and sleeping for a while. I mean, how can I die two times in one day?

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Another short chapter, but I hope you guys enjoyed it regardless.

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