Ch. 14 - Date with the Devil

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^Deja's Outfit^

Deja's POV

(Next Day)

I wake up excited, but nervous. Actually, I'm so nervous and excited that I woke up at 6 am and it's a Saturday.


Today's the day that I eat ice cream with David. Maybe this ice cream will cheer me up and distract me from this crazy-ass week. I'm just glad it's over.

While watching videos of makeup gurus on YouTube, I get a FaceTime request from Tiara. She knows it's way too early to have a FaceTime conversation. I decline and resume watching makeup gurus. Of course, Tiara isn't going to give up so, she texts me.

T😂🤗: Why'd you decline?

Me: It's way too early. I look like a raccoon right now.

T😂🤗: I've already seen you without makeup and all that jazz.

Me: But, you roasted me.

T😂🤗: That's beside the point. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you luck on your date.

What is she talking about? I told her that I had a date, but I never told her the day, so why is she bugging?

Me: What are you talking about?

T😂🤗: Well, you have a date today, right?

Me: Yeah, but who told you that?

T😂🤗: Word gets around the school fast. It was probably David who spread it.

Now she knows who I'm going out with? I didn't know that David was a blabbermouth. Yet again, I never told him to keep on the down low.

T😂🤗: Also, why didn't you tell me that you were going on a date with David the Devil?

Me: Why does everyone keep calling him that?

T😂🤗: Idk, but I heard a bunch of girls calling him that in the hallway. It's just a nickname I think. Maybe it's similar to daddy or something 😂. I wouldn't lose sleep over it.

Maybe I am just overthinking everything. Maybe Cameron was just messing with me when he was calling David "manipulative" and "no-good".

I like David and I don't think there's much to worry about when it comes to him. Sure he has some rough edges, but who doesn't? Cameron's worse off than David so, I don't know why Cameron is talking all this shit about him.


I hear a knock on my door as I open my eyes. My mom walks in.

"You need to wake up, it's 12 pm."

Oh shit, I went back to sleep! David said to be at Coldstone at 2. So, that gives me 2 hours to eat something for breakfast, get dressed, do my makeup and convince my mom to let me drive her Toyota. Of course, I prefer her new Audi, but it's new and I already know that she's not going to let me drive it.

I hop out the bed and do my daily hygiene before I run downstairs to get something to eat. I could eat the pancakes and bacon that my mom cooked a few hours ago, but that'd be a waste of time in the microwave.

I pour some Lucky Charms into a bowl before pouring milk in. I don't even bother to turn on the TV. I simply eat and stare into space.

Afterwards, I pick out what I am going to wear. I pick out a black and white striped shirt and a pair of black jeans. It's like 70 something degrees outside.

After putting everything on, I go into the bathroom to do my makeup. I never needed heavy makeup like foundation or anything like that, which is funny because I'm obsessed with makeup gurus. All I need to survive is lipstick, eyeliner, and mascara.

I come out of the bathroom to be greeted by my mom.

"Where are you going?" She asks.

"Well, I want to go to Coldstone to get ice cream and then go over to Tiara's house, but I can't walk there. I was wonderi-"

She cuts me off. "Sure, you can take the Toyota, but get back as soon as you can. I have a surprise for you."

"Thanks, mom and I'll be back."


I get out of the car and lock the doors. I walk into the store and look around for David. I spot him quickly because the store is almost empty.

He hugs me before he even says hi. I'm not complaining though. He already got his ice cream so, I order mine. After my cheesecake ice cream is weighed, David pays for it and even puts a dollar in the tip jar.

We go outside after I get my ice cream. I hate how they always overfill the cup so it always spills out. In this case, some of the overfilled ice cream drips on my pants. It's not a lot though, so David gives me a napkin to wipe it off.

"I would've wiped it off for you, but it's on your inner thigh and it's close to y-" He explains before I cut him off.

"I get what you were trying to say. You don't need to fully say it."

"I know, but you look cute in that outfit. I didn't want it to get messed up."

"My pants aren't messed up. If I throw them in the washer, they'll be good as new," I say, blushing.

"Great, also I wasn't trying to say that you only look cute in that outfit. You look cute in any outfit, but I just like this one a lot for some reason."

"Well, this outfit does have my ice cream on it, which means this outfit is now special."

"Why, because it's dirty?"

"Because of that and the fact that this outfit now holds sentimental value. It's a reminder of our first date." I say. "I know it's corny, but I'm just weird like that."

"Well, it could be a reminder of another first."

"Like what?"

"Like this." His lips crash onto mine. His lips merge perfectly with mine. They stay on my lips for a few seconds before he pulls away.

"Well, that was a cliché. You know the whole kiss on the first date thing?" I say.

"I know it's corny, but I'm weird like that."

I feel like I'm gonna cry tears of joy. I've never met someone that's so much like me.

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