Ch. 47- Live More

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Deja's POV

Ok, so he is marrying this tramp. There's something wrong in this situation. Obviously, I don't care about the girl being white, I just have an issue with the age. Based off the size of that ring, I wouldn't be surprised if she's a gold digger.

"She's your fiancée?" I ask, trying to sound like I'm not bothered.

"Yes and Margot, this is my teenage daughter, Deja." He introduces.

Wow. Just wow. She didn't even know about me beforehand. Absolutely priceless. She's wearing a formal red dress so, I assumed that she knew about me, but obviously not. I guess she wears things like that everyday.

Margot puts out her hand, making sure to let the light hit the diamond just right. I shake it for 2 seconds before letting go of it.

Her hands are cold, much like her presumed soul. Maybe I'm just overreacting and should give this lady a chance. I mean, she is marrying my dad for Christ's sake.

I go to the kitchen to escape the awkwardness in the foyer. There's a yellow and black bag with the words Buffalo Wild Wings on it. Oh Lord, there's another announcement. Maybe him showing off his fiancée is the big announcement.

I should stop conspiring and wait for my dad to actually say something. Or, maybe I can say something.

"I see you've found the surprise." My dad says, walking into the kitchen with Margot's fingers interlocked with his.

It honestly wanted to make me convulse.

"What's the announcement?" I ask.

"What, I can't bring your favorite food without a reason?"

"All I'm saying is, whenever you bring my favorite food, there's always something up. I highly doubt that today's lunch is going to be an exception in the pattern."

He responds by opening up the bag and pulling out a box of wings. Great, it's official. There's gonna be an announcement over chicken wings.


I cringe at the way Margot is eating her wings. She's using a knife and fork. It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen in my life and that's saying something because I used to watch the Jerry Springer Show.

That show has seriously fucked me up.

Anyway, she's making it really hard to like her. She reminds me of both Ava and Tiara. Ava because of Margot's posh accent and Tiara because of the way she presents herself. It's obvious that Margot feels like there are eyes on her at all times.

Everyone, including Margot, is about halfway into the wings. This is usually the time that my dad would say something to transition into the announcement. The suspense is killing me more than the buffalo wings are killing my lips.

"So, what's the big news?" I ask.

"Well, by now you've figured out that I'm getting married. You took that pretty well, so you'll probably take the next thing pretty well also."

Oh yeah, I forgot that I wasn't supposed to know about the engagement until just now. Dang it, I blew my chance to overreact and run out the house.

"So, we're getting married in November and we'd love for you to be in the wedding." My dad finishes.

I want to the laugh at the we pronouns. Sure, my dad does probably want me to be in the wedding, but it's obvious that Margot couldn't care less. I'm just a stepdaughter.

Ewww. Stepdaughter does not look good on me.

Also, I can tell that Margot isn't necessarily attracted to my dad. It seems very Melania-like. She'll hug him for the cameras, but as soon as his back is turned, she frowns.

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