Ch. 20 - Tempted by the Devil

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Deja's POV


"I'm home!" I shout from the bottom of the staircase.

I don't hear anything so, I continue upstairs. Just as I reach the top of the stairs, I see my mom walk out of her bedroom.

"So, did you ask him?" She asks.

"What are talking about?"

"Your boyfriend, David. I want to meet him, remember?"

"You were serious?"

"Of course I was serious, Deja. I want to see if this guy is having an effect on you in a negative way."

"Mom, nobody is impacting me in a negative way. I met David before I started becoming what you'd like to call a problem. I never even talked to him like that. We were like acquaintances. I only really started to talk to him recently."

"Sure, Deja," she says, crossing her arms.

What is "sure, Deja." supposed to mean? Does she really not trust me?

"Do you trust me?"

"Not at the moment."

"But, mom," I whine, hanging my arms.

"I don't want to hear it. He's either coming this weekend or coming this weekend."

"I want to go to Tiara's house this weekend."


"We have a project in British Literature," I lie.

My mom knows practically nothing about my schedule. She just knows what classes I have at the end of the day just in case I get an early dismissal.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Tiara said late Friday or Saturday."

"You can go to her house on Friday. David can come on Saturday. End of discussion."

"Wait, I have one question. Why can't you meet him next week?"

"I don't know if your dad will be here next week," she says.

Wait, does that mean my dad is coming over this weekend? I squeal and run down the hall to my room. I plop on the bed, turn on The Golden Girls and grab my phone to text David and Tiara.

Me: Okay, so my mom wants to meet you this Saturday at around 6 o'clock.

The Devil😍: That's good with me.

I give him my address and then text Tiara about going over her house.

Me: My mom said I can go over to your house on Friday. I can probably sleepover.

T😂🤗: Well, are you going to ask her to make sure?

Me: No

T😂🤗: Well how is she gonna know?

Me: She's a smart person for the most part, she'll get the hint when I'm not in the house on Saturday morning.

T😂🤗: You're wild. 😂

After I get that message, I get a message from David.

The Devil😍: Do you have your program tomorrow?

Me: No, why?

The Devil😍: You need to study for anything at the end of the day?

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