Ch. 40- Surprise, Surprise

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Cameron's POV

I feel shitty for the things I said to Deja just because I was pissed and annoyed. And I think I've made it worse by apologizing for something that I didn't even say. I might've thought it, but I didn't say it.

I genuinely feel bad for saying that she deserved what came to her. I don't know what came over me. I was just so infuriated by Deja's mention of her being friends with David.

It doesn't make sense to me why she can't seem to distance herself from David. Whenever she's not with me, she's with David.

It just doesn't sit well with me.

"Listen, I have tickets to a Drake concert."

"Really, Cameron?" She asks with wide eyes.

"Yes, Deja." I confirm. "Why do you always question me when I say something?"

"Because I have trust issues. Anyway, how'd you get Drake tickets, they've been sold out for at least two months."

"There's such a thing as getting them before those two months, Deja."

"I really don't like your remarks."

"Well, you better get used to them because you're going to a concert with me."

Deja squeals and jumps up and down like a five year old high on sugar. Then, she stops jumping and her face falls.

"Wait, everyone at school was talking about how it's 18 and up."

"Fun fact, you're 18 and I'm 19."

She facepalms and says, "oh my gosh, I forgot. I feel like a dumbass."

"'Cause you are." I mumble.

"I heard you." She punches my arm lightly.

First it was my thigh, now it's my arm. This girl just loves to hit me.

"I'm just kidding."


Deja's POV

I walk in my house, prepared to hear my mom bitch about how I left the house without her permission.

"You know, you sure do leave the house a lot for someone who doesn't have any friends." My mom says with her hand on her hip.

Damn, that hurt.

"I just left for like 45 minutes."

"Just 45 minutes? That is not just-worthy."

"It's not that long, mom."

"Well, where'd you go?"

"I went to the mall." I say without thinking.

"Sure, if you went to the mall, why don't you have any bags?"

"Really, I went to Pink, but then I saw Tiara, so I turned around."

My mom stares at me for a good minute before she says something.

"Whatever, your dad said he called you and you didn't respond. He called the house afterwards." She says, walking away from me.

I pull out my phone to see three different missed calls from my dad. I check my sound settings and see that my ringtone is off.

I go upstairs and call my dad.

"Deja, what would you say to a visit to my house next weekend?" He says as soon as the call comes on.

Well, I have a Drake concert to go to on Saturday, but I would assume that that'd take place during the night. As long as I go to my dad's house in the afternoon, I should be good.

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