Ch. 6 - Star of David

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^What Cynthia looks like^

Deja's POV


"I'm home!" I yell upstairs.

I know my mom is home. Sadly, she's always home. She works from home and she gets a lot of days off because her boss is chill like that.

"So, how'd the program go?" She asks me, almost as if she gives a damn.

"It was fine."

"I'm pretty sure that there's another word or something to describe the event."

"Normal. Average. Boring. Irritating."

"That's not true. What'd you do in there?"

"We talked about stuff."

"How nice and descriptive. Also, was that before or after you left the auditorium without permission?"

That bitch, Ms. Kits.

"Mom, have you been in that program? Everyone gathers around in a circle and we talk about what we did wrong. I didn't do anything wrong. I felt like I was not supposed to be in there, so I left."

"If Mr. Davis said that you're supposed to be in there, then you're supposed to be in there. Also, when were you going to tell me that your attendance isn't the main issue in his eyes?"

That hoe, Mr. Davis.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You weren't put in the program for attendance issues. You fought. Since when did you fight?"

"I don't fight. All of this is a misunderstanding. I didn't fight anyone. I was merely a witness that didn't say anything to an adult about what I saw."

"Then, you're just as guilty as the fighters were. I'm very disappointed in you, Deja. I did not raise you to be this way." She waves her finger in my face very aggressively while talking.

"Well, I grew up. I'm not ten anymore." I start to walk upstairs, but mom keeps talking.

"You can live in the past, but that still won't change it. I still don't think that you realize that your dad and I are not getting back together."

"I know. I'm not living in the past. I'm living in oblivion."

"You can't live obliviously."

"I've been doing it for seven years, so why not stop now?"

"You are going to regret talking to me like that."

"Was that a threat? I don't think you're supposed to threaten seventeen-year-olds."

"Put a sock in it, Deja. I can not wait until you're in college. Then, I won't have to deal with you anymore," She says, practically yelling.

I don't have the time to be dealing with her. I have a boy to text and homework to do. I continue my walk upstairs and enter my bedroom.

After plopping on the bed, I suddenly grow tired. I guess I'm going to take a nap. I'll get my homework done afterward.


Oh. my. God. It is 10 pm. I napped for like four or five hours. I have to get this homework done before tomorrow comes. I open up my book bag and grab my binder. Time to turbo this Spanish.


(Next Day)

"Now go in. I'm not coming out," My mom orders in the parking lot of Starbucks.

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