Track Fifty Five - Phir Le Aya Dil

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Previously On...

Jaanhavi and Rohan get married. Armaan & Riddhima talk. Riddhima confesses to Armaan.

Track Fifty Five - Phir Le Aya Dil, Arijit Singh

Armaan stepped outside the Mumbai airport, his heart in his throat. Ever since he'd boarded the plane to New York with Rahul all those years ago, he had never come back to India, much less Mumbai, ever. Not even when Rahul had flown back to have Mummy settled in her new home after Raj Uncle passed away. But, here he was today. Just because of the one woman who had always made him throw his plans out the window, the one who had made him do things he'd never imagined doing. Riddhima. Because who else would it be for whom he'd cross all seven oceans and face his worst fears?

Ever since Riddhima had confessed to him, there was little else that Armaan had thought of. With the house entirely empty, there was no one around for him to ever stop thinking about that one conversation. Every word that Riddhima had said that night was seared into his memory, replaying on loop. A small part of him had wanted to immediately say yes to Riddhima's confession, but logically he knew that he needed to think about it before making any commitments. But, when he hadn't been able to arrive at a conclusion for days, he'd turned to Sonakshi for support, because she'd gone through something similar and had since successfully reunited with Dev. It had been the right thing to do. One conversation with her, and here he was, back in Mumbai, wanting to meet Riddhima.

Maybe he was being a little too hasty in his decision, taking only seven days to think it over after spending seven years apart, but in his heart, Armaan knew this was the right choice. Armaan had always been a little in love with Riddhima, since the first day that he'd met her, right up till now. It was a fact that he'd accepted would be true forever and moved on with his life. It was only after Riddhima told him that she still loved him when Armaan started to realize that maybe that little wasn't so little after all.

He hadn't even realized it, but spending all that time with her in New York, planning the wedding, going shopping, eating out, hanging out together to just catch up... all that time that he'd spent with her... he'd been falling for her again. He hadn't even realized it. It was only after Riddhima wasn't around anymore that he started to realize how huge a part of his life she'd become in just a few days, and how badly he missed her. Armaan had only been in denial, or maybe, he'd been oblivious. He had always felt that way around Riddhima... the urge to keep smiling wide, to make her laugh, the nervous excitement in his stomach, the contentment in his heart. He associated these things with Riddhima so subconsciously that he'd never thought about it in depth.

If it hadn't been for Sonakshi pointing out things for him, he may never have even understood. She was always smart about such things, and knowing that she'd gone through something similar recently, he had sought her out for advice and after everything, here he was.

Two days ago, dinner at Armaan's

"I need your advice," Armaan told Sonakshi once they'd finished eating.

"I knew something was up when you invited me over out of the blue," Sonakshi replied. "Spill."

"My ex said she's still in love with me," he blurted out lest he chicken out later.

"Ex?" She asked.

"Riddhima," Armaan supplied helpfully. "She's my ex from when I was back in India."

"You mean, the one who got married to someone else when you were away getting treated for your injuries after the shootout?" Sonakshi questioned. "Riddhima is that ex?"

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