Track Forty Eight - Never Grow Up

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Previously On...

Riddhima confronts Sid. Armaan & Riddhima have a little chat about Tamanna.

Track 48 - Never Grow Up, Taylor Swift

I don't have any forgiveness left in me to give. Especially not to you. You already made sure of that 7 years ago.

Try as he might, Armaan just could not get those words out of his head. They played again and again and then again, like a never-ending loop, making it impossible for him to concentrate on anything else. What had happened? What could be so bad that Riddhima would say something like that to Sid? And seven years ago? That's when they'd gotten married... What had happened then?

Armaan had never really gone into the nitty gritties of Riddhima's relationship with Sid for obvious reasons. They were married when he got back. That's all he knew. Frankly, that's all he wanted to know. He didn't want to torture himself with the other stuff. He especially didn't have it in himself to sit down and listen to their love story. But had it been a love story? Hadn't Riddhima hinted to some circumstances leading to them getting married? Could it have been that he had it all wrong? That maybe Riddhima was trying to make the best out of a bad situation... That she didn't actually want to marry Sid?

Why did the thought make his heart flutter? Why did it even matter to him? Things were so different now. Nothing was the same. Nothing ever would be. Seven long years had passed since everything had happened. He'd closed the chapter of Riddhima in his life and moved on... Hadn't he? Yes, yes, he had. He was happy where he was. He had everything and everyone he could possibly want. He didn't need anyone else. Especially not Riddhima.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Minnie asked, pulling him out of his downward spiral.

"I like to think they're worth more than that," he smiled.

"Two pennies for your thoughts," she replied. Armaan laughed. He pulled her into a hug.

"Seriously," she pestered. "What's up? Is it Riddhima Di?" Because of course it would be about her. Minnie was old enough to understand that.

Armaan just shrugged. "It's complicated."

"When is it not with her?" She countered.

"You have a point," he agreed. "But this time... I don't know if I want to get involved."

"Hmmm. That's fair. But... Are you sure you won't regret it later?" She asked him.

"What's one more regret when I have a lifetime of them where she's concerned?" He murmured rhetorically.

"Okay, seriously. What's up? Did you guys fight? Did she say something to you?" Minnie pressed, concerned.

"I don't know. I'm sort of worried about her. Well, mostly her relationship with Sid. She said something and now I can't get it out of my head. I just think that things might not be fine," he told her honestly.

"Well, then you can just confirm that things are fine with them! What's the big deal?" She questioned.

"Big deal? Of course it's a big deal! I can't ask either of them about their relationship. They might take it the wrong way!" He burst out. Did Minnie not understand how many issues would crop out if he asked Riddhima or Sid about their marriage?

"So don't ask them," she answered. "Ask someone else. What's so difficult about this?"

And then... He remembered. His decision to talk to Anjali. And how he hadn't done that yet thanks to all the drama that had been happening around the house. Yes! Why hadn't he thought of it earlier? He'd speak to Anjali and sort everything out. He totally would.

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