Track Eighteen - Lift Me Up

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Armaan had informed Riddhima that they had to go look at one of the hotel banquet halls the next day, which was the reason why she was in such a tizzy.

"Riddhima, why are you so tensed? You just have to go, look at the place, and give your opinion," Sid asked.

"Sid, you don't understand! I'll be alone. With Armaan. That's a recipe for disaster," she explained. "We've been here for almost a week, and I've not had one proper conversation with him in all this time. Whenever we've talked, it's been awkward. Or cold. Here, there are people to cushion the blow, but there, no one is going to come with us."

"Do... Do you want me to come with you? I can," Sid offered lightly. He understood how difficult it was for Riddhima. She had been through so much in the past 6 years since their annulment. But, even after everything, she was still in love with Armaan. And, seeing him so suddenly after all these years and thrown her off balance. Riddhima had made peace with the fact that she wouldn't ever be with Armaan again years ago. She was content to spend her life with their memories. Her marriage to Sid had been an eye opener. She now understood that she wouldn't ever be a good life partner for someone who wasn't Armaan. So, she hadn't even tried to settle down with someone else in all this time. Even after repeated requests and then later, orders, from her father, she'd stood her ground.

"No," Riddhima replied. "It'll be very awkward as it is. I don't want to raise Armaan's hackles by inviting you along. It'll make him think that I don't trust him to be alone with him. That I think he'll try something because my husband isn't around. And that's the last thing I want him to think."

"Hmmm, you're right," Sid agreed. "Maybe talk to him once before going?" He suggested.

"T... Talk to him?" Riddhima asked, as if Sid had grown a second head.

"Yeah," he replied, shrugging carelessly.

"Have you lost your mind? You want me to initiate conversation with him of my own free will?" Riddhima was flabbergasted that Sid would even suggest such a thing.

"What's wrong with that? You said it yourself. You're going to be alone with him tomorrow. Or are you planning to take a spokesperson with you to talk on your behalf?" He asked sarcastically.

"Yes, but Sid, it's..." Riddhima trailed off, not knowing how to explain to him how she was feeling about his suggestion.

Sid sighed. "I know it's not easy to face him after all that has happened, but it's been 7 years, Riddhima. Don't you think you should at least try to move on?"

"It's not about moving on, Sid. I've understood that I'll never be able to forget him, not matter what. I mean, look at you. You're such an amazing person. So sweet and caring. And at one point of time, you loved me too. But, I couldn't bring myself to commit to you. You think I could commit to someone else?" She asked rhetorically.

Sid nodded reluctantly. She had a point. "So, you're right. But, that doesn't mean you guys can't talk. I mean, come on, even we broke up, but look at us right now," he gestured between the two of them. "You're my best friend."

Riddhima sighed in exasperation. "That's because we don't love each other na, Sid. Idiot."

Sid laughed. "Achcha. Okay. Let's take an example from your favourite author's novel. You've read An Unkindness of Ravens, right?" Sid asked.

Riddhima nodded, her face the epitome of the duh expression.

"So, in that story, Lucas and Brooke were in an honest relationship. They loved each other. But, they broke up. And they were still able to remain friends after everything."

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