Track Forty Nine - The Best Day of My Life

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Armaan wanted to make it very abundantly clear that he hated Rahul. He hated Rahul more than anyone else in the world. Okay... that was a lie. He didn't hate Rahul. But then, he wasn't particularly fond of the man either, at least not at present, not after what he'd just done.

It was Rahul's birthday today, and he'd felt it was the perfect time to drop this bomb on Armaan when he could have actually told him a few days ago. But Rahul was nothing if not dramatic in this aspect. Perhaps Muskaan had rubbed off on him a little too much. But, that was not the issue. The issue was that Rahul had given him only a few hours to plan an epic confession and proposal, all rolled into one, because it was his birthday, and he wanted to propose to Muskaan.

Now, in another life, Armaan would have been absolutely ecstatic that Rahul had finally gotten his head out of his arse, and if he'd known that just having Rahul around an adopted kid would do the trick, he'd have adopted 10 kids years ago. Ever since Myra had come home, Rahul had changed. It was as if he was granted a new life. In so many ways, Myra had become to Rahul, what Suhana was to him, and Armaan was glad about it. Rahul loved Myra more than he loved anyone else in the world. And it had barely even been a week since she'd been living with them.

But, that's what had convinced Rahul to finally give it a go. He'd always been worried that if he did end up marrying Muskaan and they adopted a kid, he'd never be able to love that child the way he'd have loved a child of his own. But that notion was safely out the window the second he'd laid eyes on Myra. Myra had quickly become the light of Rahul's life, and if he could love his adoptive niece so much, he couldn't even comprehend how much he'd love his own adopted kid. So, with those fears finally taking a back seat in his life, Rahul had decided that he'd have Muskaan back. But... it was not as easy. He'd hurt Muskaan so much, and he wanted to make it up to her. And, he wanted to begin by giving Muskaan the proposal of her dreams. Alas, Rahul was completely inept when it came to romancing a lady, and that's when Armaan had come in.

After the midnight celebrations last night, Rahul had taken Armaan to his room where he'd sat Armaan down and told him everything, and then begged for help in planning a proposal. Of course, Armaan had agreed instantly.

"Maani..." Rahul began hesitantly. "I needed a favour."

"Anything," Armaan replied. "You know that."

"I do," Rahul smiled. "Armaan... I've been thinking. It's time."

"For what?" Armaan asked.

"To make a decision... about Muskaan and I," Rahul declared. Armaan was sure he stopped breathing.

If Rahul said he wouldn't get together with Muskaan, then best friend/brother/soulmate be damned, he'd do something drastic to this man. They both loved each other so much and did Rahul not understand how lucky he was that the girl he loved loved him back so unconditionally? Not everyone was lucky enough to have that. And he was ready to give it up for the sake of something that was easily resolved.

"You were right... I can't do it again. I love her. I want to be with her. I will be with her," Rahul announced, surprising Armaan.

"Re... Re... Really?" Armaan asked.

"Really, really, really," Rahul replied, smiling.

"Jaana!" Armaan cried, pulling Rahul in a tight hug. "I'm so happy," he blubbered, unable to keep his tears at bay.

"I am too," Rahul answered, hugging Armaan just as tight, tears streaming down his eyes as well. "I've been so stupid."

"You have," Armaan readily agreed.

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