Track One - Missing You

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"Hey, what's up? Why are you so lost?" Sid asked her, bringing Riddhima out of her reverie.

"Nothing, just thinking," she replied.

"Are you excited?" He asked her.

"Sure," she mumbled half - heartedly.

Sid sighed.

"Riddhima, I know this is hard for you, but you have to let go off your past. You will never be able to find happiness otherwise."

"Who says I want to be happy, Sid?"

"Everyone wants to be happy, Riddhima."

"I don't. I doomed him to a life of pain. It's the least I deserve for ruining the life of the man who I love more than life itself."

"You didn't ruin his life, Ridzy."

"Yes, I did. He came back for me, he apologized to me. He tried his best. And I just dismissed him due to my misplaced sense of responsibility."

"It wasn't misplaced, Riddhima."

"Yes, it was. As much as I try to deny it, my loyalties lied with him more than they did with you."

"You did what any married woman would do, Riddhima. You chose your husband. I wish you hadn't, but I understand where you're coming from. He did, too. That's why he left. To make it easier on you."

"I know."

"He wouldn't want you to be miserable, Riddhima. It would kill him. He left so you could be happy. You should try doing that. If not for your sake, for his."

Riddhima nodded mutely.

"Promise me you'll genuinely, honest to God try to enjoy this wedding."

"I promise, Sid."

"That's a girl," he replied smiling.

"Thank you, Sid."

"For what?"

"For sticking by me, even after everything."

"Of course. That's what friends are for."

The plane landed soon after.

"That was exhausting," Muskaan announced.

"Why were you exhausted, Sleeping Beauty? Poori flight be toh kharrate maarke so rahi thi," Atul retorted.

"Whatever," Muskaan scoffed.

"Guys, cut it out. Tum kya bachche ho?" Anjali asked, rhetorically.

"I'm pretty sure that the answer is yes, Mrs. Joshi," Nikki replied for her friends.

Anjali couldn't help the blush that spread across her cheeks. Even after being married for 2 years, she blushed whenever someone called her Mrs. Joshi. But, the blush was nowhere as bad her husband's.

"Guys let's get a move on, okay?" Abhi asked.

Everybody nodded and they moved towards baggage claim.

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