Track Thirty Seven - The Boxer

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It had only been a couple of days but everyone was able to see the changes in both Rahul & Muskaan as they spent more time together. Both of them had become more playful and happy, the way they used to be during their internship days. In fact, the gang had all borne witness to one of the epid RaMusk fights too, the ones that happened 10 times a day back then, but hadn't since they'd come to New York. Looking at them argue like that, it was as if the last 8 years hadn't happened, like Rahul & Muskaan had never been separated from each other. It gave them all so much hope that maybe, Rahul would change his stance on the matter.

But, as they say, all good things come to an end, and so did their short lived happiness over Rahul & Muskaan's increasing closeness. And when it ended, it left in its wake, a broken girl, and her equally broken brother.

Armaan had been out on his morning jog when Rahul called. "Armaan, where are you?" He asked, his voice tense.

"What happened?" Armaan asked, not bothering to answer Rahul's question. Something was wrong, so wrong. He could sense it in the way Rahul spoke, the way his voice shook.

"Get here. Quick," Rahul instructed. "It's very bad."

"Rahul? What happened? Is everything okay?" Armaan repeated. Rahul's urgency was making him really wary. Why couldn't he just come out and say it?

"No. Nothing is okay," Rahul replied. "Billy's here. And Jaanhavi's father. Jaanhavi has locked herself in her room. Tammy is with her now. But she needs you."

"What?" Armaan cried out. "They're here? But... But how?"

"I don't know!" Rahul snapped, worried. "They're here. And I need you. I don't know what to do."

"Rahul, relax. I'm on my way," Armaan replied. "Just, hold on for a bit. I'll be there ASAP."

Saying so, Armaan put the phone down. Billy and Mr. Sarcar. What the f**k were they doing here? How did they even know that Armaan & Jaanhavi were here? And why did it matter to them? After so many years? After everything they'd done? How could they even think about showing their face here was beyond Armaan.

His thoughts were milling, thinking up thousands of possibilities, an explanation as to how they got here. How they knew where to find Armaan. And Jaanhavi. He'd been so careful. He'd covered his tracks. Nobody had known where he was. Nobody from his past life could barge their way in, no. He had to allow them to come back. Like he'd allowed Sonakshi.

It didn't matter, he decided finally. No matter how they found out, they wouldn't be staying any longer. No way.

Nothing could have prepared him for the sight that awaited him. Dr. Shashank, Padma Aunty and Nani were sitting, laughing and talking to Billy and Mr. Sarcar. Of course, he sighed. The Guptas knew Billy from when he'd met them to talk about his marriage with Riddhima. But, it still didn't sit right with him. Seeing that men who were supposed to be his & Jaan's fathers and had been anything but. They'd played enough. They would never find their way back now. It was too late.

Armaan hadn't seen Billy since he'd found out the truth about why Jaanhavi had run away from home all those years ago. When, after countless talks, repeated pleas, desperate questions, Jaan had finally told him why exactly she'd run away, Armaan had been flabbergasted. He'd been unable to come to terms with the reality of Jaan's life, unwilling to admit that he'd been so blind, so ignorant. He'd blamed himself for everything that had gone wrong, but more than that, he'd blamed his father, and hers. Because they were the reason she did what she did. Because they'd turned their backs on the little girl they'd vowed to love and protect forever, when she'd needed them most. And he wouldn't ever forgive them for that.

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