Track Five - Brand New Girlfriend

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Armaan stayed with Jaanhavi for majority of the day, only leaving when everybody forced him out of the room to eat. Did they not understand? How could he even be thinking about food when his girl was unconscious in a hospital bed?

"Armaan," Juhi Ma sighed. "Please, eat something. Just a little," she pleaded. Armaan shook his head. "Later," he replied.

They were currently sitting in the waiting room. The doctors were looking Jaanhavi in hopes of some progress. The others were in the cafeteria, giving Juhi Ma some time with Armaan.

Juhi Ma sighed. Armaan could be really stubborn when he wanted to.

"Really, Mom. It's okay. Why don't you go down? I'll be there in a few," Armaan said. She knew to take cues from Armaan. He wanted some time alone. Of course, he did. She nodded and kissed his forehead before going down the hall towards the cafeteria.

Armaan sighed and leaned against the wall of the waiting room. His head was a clusterf**k of emotions and he didn't know what to do. He was scared out of his damn mind for Jaan, worrying whether or not she was going to be okay. She had really scared him. He wasn't doing well with the idea of her getting married. She knew that. He didn't want her to leave him. And, then, she went ahead and got herself into this accident where he might lose her for good, forget her leaving the house. And he couldn't lose her, not after everything. He needed her to be safe. He had already broken his promise once, he couldn't do it again. Never. Ever.

If that wasn't enough, he was worried about the meeting that Rohan had with the Board. He knew Sanjeevani was sinking and no matter what he tried, Rohan and Dad weren't accepting his donation. What the hell was he supposed to do with all the money he had, anyway? It would be better used in Sanjeevani, but no. Dad had to be all about morals and how he couldn't take Armaan's money when he could arrange it from somewhere else. This was the last time, he vowed to himself. If the meeting fell through again, he was going to donate all the money anonymously to the Sanjeevani Trust. Once it was done, Dad wouldn't be able to undo it.

He was brought out of his musings when he felt someone sit beside him. And, he didn't need to open his eyes to know who it was. He could recognize her anywhere. And, he didn't need his eyes or ears to know it was her. Because, when she was around, he would just always know. He could feel her, just like he'd always been able to. No amount of time apart, arguments or betrayals could take away the feeling he got when she was near.

"Riddhima," he whispered, opening his eyes.

"Hey," she replied, smiling tentatively.

"Hi," he said, unsure of what to say.

"I wasn't expecting you here," she said, sounding surprised. And she was. She didn't think she'd ever get to see him again. Not in this lifetime. And, while it hurt like Hell to think that way, she'd made her peace with the fact that all she'd have would be memories. That was how it she should be, anyway, she forced herself to believe. He'd given her the world, his love, his life and everything that she could have ever asked. And all that she'd given him in return had been doubt, blame and pain. He was better off without her.

"I wasn't either," Armaan told her. He really just wanted to hug her close to him, encage her in his arms and never let her go, but he couldn't. He'd imagined this scenario over and over again in the past few years and each one of them ended with her in his arms and confessing her love for him. Wishful thinking, he'd snort to himself.

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