Track Forty Four - An Honest Mistake

730 31 31

Previously On...

Armaan takes the girls shopping. AR spend sometime together while the others wonder how to get them back together but decide to not push or manipulate the duo too much.

Minnie comes back. Some emotional Riddhima - Minnie moments.

Track 44 - Honest Mistake, The Bravery






"Taken care of."


"Wrapped and ready."


"In abundance!"


"A basketful."

Minnie stopped and looked at Armaan when he said that. Of course he'd say that. She should have known. No matter what he said, Armaan would always love Riddhima.

"What?" Armaan asked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Minnie just continued to stare.

"So? I said basketful? So what?" He shrugged. "Doesn't mean anything."

Minnie still stared.

"Okay, seriously. It doesn't mean anything. Shut up," he ordered, but his protest was half hearted. Of course it meant something. It meant the entire world. He just couldn't help himself. It felt like he was falling for Riddhima all over again. He couldn't have that. She was married to someone else! This would only end in pain for him again. But then again, he was Armaan and she was Riddhima and whenever he was around her, he couldn't help but fall in love all over again.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Minnie asked softly.

"I'm more than okay. I'm great!" Armaan replied.

"Boyfriend..." Minnie sighed. Armaan just gave up the pretense and pulled Minnie into a tight hug.

"I'm so glad you're home, girlfriend. I really missed you," he told her.

"I missed you, too," Minnie answered, hugging him back. "And I got your back. No matter what."

"I know," Armaan replied. "But, now is not the time to get emotional. We have to get everything ready soon. Tammy might arrive any moment! This has to be perfect!"

"Don't worry. It will be! I promise!" Minnie told Armaan. "Tamanna Di is gonna be so happy, Boyfriend!"

Armaan grinned widely. He sure hoped so. Tamanna had waited for this day for such a long time! For as long as he could remember, Tamanna had always expressed her desire to be a mother, and now, it was finally happening! They had waited for more than 2 years to see this day, and now that it was here, Armaan couldn't contain his excitement.

When Tamanna had told him and Jaanhavi that the adoption had finally fallen through, and that was the errand she'd been on with Rahul a few days ago, Armaan hadn't known how to react other than to have a breakdown right there and then. He'd laughed and he'd cried and he'd hugged Tamanna to the last inch of her life. She deserved this. They deserved this. A new member in the family. A niece. His niece. Armaan could hardly wait.

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