Track Four - You Can Count On Me

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The next few hours were pure torture. Everybody was waiting for Armaan and Jaanhavi to wake up, but neither of them were showing much of improvement.

Finally, after what seemed like ages, but in reality, couldn't have been any longer than an hour, Armaan regained consciousness.

"Oh thank God!" Rahul exclaimed, hugging Armaan tight. They may be boys, and averse to showing emotions, but Armaan had really scared him today.

"You okay?" Rahul asked. Armaan nodded.

"Let me rally the troops then," he joked. Armaan looked at him confused.

"Juhi Ma and Chote Papa are outside," he replied smiling, but sobered up quickly. "And..."

"Riddhima?" Armaan asked, dreading the answer.

Rahul nodded.

"So I wasn't dreaming then?" He asked.

Rahul shook his head. "Afraid not."

Armaan nodded, apprehensive.

"Hey," Rahul said, clapping his shoulder, "It's going to be okay."

"Thanks," Armaan whispered.

Rahul nodded and went out.

The next few minutes were a flurry of activity as people barged in and hugged Armaan. First in line was obviously, pseudo mom Juhi Ma, followed closely by Chote Papa, who Armaan called Dad.

"You sure you're okay?" He asked Armaan as Armaan lay on the bed with his head on Juhi Ma's lap.

"Yes, Dad. I'm fine. You need to relax a little."

"Well, can you blame me? Two of my favorite kids are in the hospital at the same time."

Armaan chuckled. "Don't let Ronnie, Veddy or Shelly hear that," he joked.

"Oh, come on! Rohan knows I love you more."

Armaan grinned.

"Armaan?" Nikki asked tentatively as she came into the room.

Armaan looked up and smiled at his best friend in the whole world. She looked just like she did when he had last seen her. She was beautiful. She was heartbroken.

"Hey, beautiful," he greeted her.

That did it. The dam broke and Nikki could no longer control her tears.

Armaan smiled and opened his arms wide, indicating for her to hug him. Nikki was in his arms without a moment's hesitation, hugging the life out of him.

"I missed you," she mumbled.

"I missed you, too."

"God! When I imagined seeing you again, I did not imagine for it to be with you in a hospital bed, you buffoon!" She said.

Armaan chuckled.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't live up to your high expectations, my lady."

"It's not funny," she told him seriously, pulling back.

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