Track Seventeen - Super Friend

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Armaan smiled as he stood the doorstep of Sanjeevani, the others crowding behind him.

"It's a new day, it's a new life," he whispered quietly to himself as was his tradition whenever he entered the hospital.

They entered in a flurry of activity with nurses and wardboys scrambling to make way. Shashank found it a little odd but shrugged it off. He watched with interest as Armaan greeted the staff, taking a minute to talk to them. He asked some random nurse about her husband's health, some wardboy about his daughter's, some person about how their partner's birthday party was last week. He was a little surprised to see that Armaan knew so many things about these people. Yes, they were an integral part of any hospital, but Shashank himself hadn't ever tried to get to know them. As far as he knew, neither had any of his juniors.

"I need to get some stuff from my cabin, but then, I can take you on a quick tour. I hope you don't mind," Armaan told Shashank and Shubhankar apologetically.

"Arre, no, no, Dr. Armaan. Get your stuff. We'll start the tour from your cabin only," Shubhankar replied. Armaan smiled in gratitude.

Armaan entered his cabin and started tinkering at the table. He removed his blazer and hung it on the back of his chair. Then, he moved to the tiny wardrobe on the side and removed his lab coat, putting it on. A glass of orange juice was already present on his table. Armaan drank it in one go, appreciating it's iciness. But, no one other than Shashank took notice of it, everyone busy admiring his cabin. Shashank was really surprised with the similarity of Armaan's movements to his own. He would also drape his blazer against his chair first thing after getting to the hospital, before downing his glass of cold water.

"Can I get you guys something to drink or eat?" He asked the gang. That brought them out of their admiration.

"Uh, no thanks," they replied in unison which caused everyone to laugh.

"Okay, then," Armaan replied. He removed his cell phone from his pocket and kept it on his desk before grabbing his pager.

"Okay, all set," he said, moving out. The others followed. A peon was standing right outside the door. Everyone looked at him confused while Armaan smiled.

"Thank you, Dan," Armaan said gratefully, grabbing the coffee mug from his hand. "I don't even want to know how you always know when I'm in. Thanks for the juice."

Dan laughed. "You know that news spreads like wildfire whenever you're here. All those people, dying to catch one glimpse of you," he joked.

"Whatever," Armaan replied, disinterested. "How's your sister? Her results were supposed to come out a few weeks ago, right? Did she do well?"

"Yes, she did. Scored the highest in biology, of course. How couldn't she, when you tutored her? Thank you so much, for that. I know how busy you are. I really appreciate it," Dan answered.

"Really, now? Thank you? Wow, such manners! What am I gonna do with you? I was happy to help. Plus, that kid is such a sweetheart," Armaan grinned. "How do you ward off the boys?"

"It's not easy, let me tell you," Dan answered. "But, it helps that she doesn't date cause she's got a crush on this one guy," he said, winking at Armaan slyly.

"Naww," Armaan commented. "Really? Me?" He asked.

Dan nodded. "Should I tell her you find her beautiful and that you think she's a sweetheart?" He teased.

"Shut up, Dan," Armaan replied, good naturedly. "Get to work."

"Dan's sister, Emma, is in high school. I tutor her in biology sometimes," Armaan explained to the others as they walked through the corridors.

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