Track Eleven - Umbrella

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As usual, Riddhima woke up early in the morning. She didn't know why, but today, she felt something different. Like she was safe. Something had happened last night that was giving her this sense of security, but she didn't know what. The only time she'd felt so safe was when she was with Armaan. So, she chalked it up to sharing a roof with him after so long. That must have given her some sense of peace.

She freshened up and made her way downstairs, wanting to get some coffee to start her day. Nikki had also woken up by the time she got out of the washroom, so both of them went downstairs together.

They were both surprised at the sight that greeted them in the living room. Armaan and Tamanna were sleeping. Armaan had his head in Tamanna's lap, while Tamanna was resting her head against the sofa. An opened book lay on Armaan's stomach, Tamanna holding it.

"Ummm..." Nikki started to say something, though she was really tongue tied. She didn't know what to say to Riddhima in this situation.

"It's okay, Nikki. Don't say anything," Riddhima said, before Nikki could say something further.

"Riddhima..." Nikki started again.

"Don't." Riddhima said, her voice taut. Nikki nodded.

They were still debating on whether to wake the two or not when Rohan came downstairs. "Morning ladies," he greeted them.

"Morning," they whispered together, not wanting to wake Armaan or Tamanna up.

"Why are we whispering?" Rohan asked in a whisper.

Nikki indicated her head to the sofa where the duo was sleeping. Rohan laughed. "These two are such dorks! Never gonna change."

"What, they do this often?" Riddhima asked.

"Oh, all the time! I've found them sleeping by the pool, in the garden, the studio, the dining table. Everywhere in the house, really," Rohan answered.

He moved forward and punched Armaan's stomach playfully, causing him to wake with a jerk.

"Ow!" Armaan exclaimed. He looked at Rohan. "Was that really necessary?" He asked.

"The opportunity presented itself and I couldn't resist," Rohan replied, smirking. "Wake up," he commanded. "The two of you fell asleep while reading again. And, I don't know about you, but Tamanna's neck is going to be suffering badly."

Armaan sat up with a jerk and took in his surroundings. "Oh shit!" He whispered. "I didn't even realize."

He stood up and thanked Rohan. When he saw Nikki and Riddhima standing there, he wished them a good morning before turning back to Tamanna.

Sighing, he pried the book out of Tamanna's hand and kept it aside. He expertly put Tamanna's arms around his neck and locked her fingers at the back of it before he held her in his arms, as if he'd been doing it forever.

"I'll just put her to bed," Armaan told Rohan, moving upstairs.

The familiarity of his actions cut Riddhima deep. He was so comfortable with Tamanna. There was a time when he was so comfortable with her. In another life, it would have been her in whose lap he was sleeping, her who was reading to him. She always knew that reading soothed Armaan. He read whenever he was upset or sad. It was a sure shot way to pull him outside his funk. On occasion, when he'd been too riled up, Riddhima had read to him softly, trying to calm him down.

She still remembered one time when it had been at Armaan's house. She didn't remember what had happened to put Armaan in a tizzy, but she'd come over to visit him and he'd been incredibly antsy. So, she'd read to him, laying beside him as he caged her in a tangle of arms and legs, making sure she didn't go anywhere. He'd fallen asleep to her reading to him that night. He'd looked so peaceful and content then. She'd seen the same expression on his face this morning. Which hurt her. Because, after that night, when she'd met Armaan at the hospital the next day, he'd told her that he hadn't slept that well in a long, long time and that her being there and reading to him had made the difference. Had Tamanna being there made such a difference too?

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